godlik3 wrote:if i wan to get good game i play on lihl...i play pubs when not games on lihl....
and btw i have 3 acc 1700
u think beep and ricky have 2400 elo each how???they smurff each other for a long time and i can say it cuz i helped some games...
i dont need to prove that i am good or not since top 10 last season on lihl and #1 since this season start...
i could easily play on 1100 bot without friends,,,but need players that know at least something....and low elo ppl dont listen to others i dont know why....
and if u want long games send 1 2 3 4 5 ....19 just go to uwc bot cuz they play no save there...
doesnt make sense what u said!
Good games come in all forms. I've had great games with beep. We lost plenty of games and still had a great game. Why? Because we made it that way. You clearly don't see what you are typing. You say you want great games. Yet what you fail to realize is that losing games are also great games as well. Match yourself with some low skilled players. Please. Don't bother typing about the game. Try having a civil conversation. From there, then talk about the game, give advice. Make some trolling comments about what levels to send like sending lvl 6 mass militia.
You haven't proven anything to me beside being an arrogant dick. Big woop de do. You were top 10 in LIHL. Congrats. No one but you cares.
People don't listen to you because you are a dick.
1100 bots, play there then, Do what Bit is doing. Mass whisper people to join you there that are not LIHL. It will start, fill, and become more popular.
Longer games by sending those levels. Yes UC bot does that. But you said you want more challenging games. Have your team feed them for more challenge. Not that hard of a concept to grasp.
You fail to comment about joining the team with the 900-600 elo players. Scared to play with them? Need your high elo buddies to carry you? That's what it seems like.
Find a 700 elo buddy with over 50 games played. Teach him to play. Increase his skills, increase your elo. Killing two birds with one stone. I played a few games a long time ago with supersexyy. He can be a pain in the ass yes, but he still helped out and taught me by being nice about it. Archol, iightyre too. They help everyone in the games that they played. I've even encountered diablo_ plenty of times. He does the same as archol does. They give advice in a nice way.
"u think beep and ricky have 2400 elo each how???they smurff each other for a long time and i can say it cuz i helped some games..." prove it. We wiped Tier7 stats for boosting. Give me replays. Less mouth more action please.
All in all. Instead of trying to boost. Try playing to increase the value in the community. Increase the fun. Send trolling units for fun. For example, instead of sending ballista, locks, mass on 12, try sending jurassic park, mass frost wolves, or something like that. Make it fun. Otherwise stick to lihl where its all serious.