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Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:36 pm
by MuscleHamster
I have a rule Question and wasn't sure where to post.

My question is: In Ltd (beta, mega, 1100+) in a situation where a player is clearly afk, can a same side player build in a way that will pick up afk leaks before they reach middle? An example would be: if blue is afk can red build close enough to middle to pick up the leaks? Does it matter when !votekick is started? How bout a situation where someone won't vote the afk?

Thanks for the help, I would take response here or pm.

Re: Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:48 pm
by MichaelSong
This topic should be best at Legion TD Mega or another section, not this part.

But anyway, I would like to answer your question as far as I know.

Since 1100+ players are much more manner equipped than #Mega or #Mega Euro players, first you should ask players to draw after explaining one of your teammate would be best.

There are rules clear explained about 1100+ : LTD 1100+ Rules
I would extract 2 points which are related to this question.

    LTD 1100+

  • All players must build on their own lane and cannot build towers that can attack opposite lane creeps from their building-position.
  • You cannot build in dark green area.

So, in regard of what situation, please keep the rule. You can't build on dark green, but can build closely and use antistuck to catch ally's leaks. Of course, you can build close enough unless you're building on dark green.

I'm attaching link of picture which nabo.(forum mod) made it to explain clearly.

If you want to checkout further more, please go here: Building rules

Re: Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:27 pm
by Diablo_
1) People have to kick a afk player, otherwise you can report them to get them banned.
2) In 1100+ games you wouldn't be allowed to build outside of your lane/close to your afk ally.
3) In Beta and normal mega games there is this rule " Building close to your teammate without consent to steal kills. ", but imo you wouldn't break it by building close to your afk ally to catch his leaks, as it can't be classified as stealing kills in this situation.
4) You can catch leaks in every Legion TD version by using Antistuck on your own towers (once you have cleared your lane).

Re: Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:15 pm
by nabo.

Moved your thread to Legion TD forum section since you arent introducing yourself.

Re: Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:30 pm
by MuscleHamster
I'm MuscleHamster. I work out and play ltd. Introduced?

Re: Rule Question (LTD)

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:34 am
by SLSGuennter
so @musclehamster

1.) on mega/euro/beta bot u are free to build close to his lane, as long as he rly is afk and u dont "steal his kills" but just take them after he leaked cause not building anymore (or never started building or something like this)
2.) on 1100+ u are NOT allowed to build on a position, where ur towers are able to pull creeps from ur mates lane.
3.) on ALL bots the afk-player has to be kicked.