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[LTD] [1200+]

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:38 am
by chaussettekipu
Hello everyone,

In 1200+, most of the people always draw (lvl<20) when someone leaves/crash. I would like to add this in rules, like we have to draw lvl<20 if someone leaves at least in the next round :
When someone leaves/crashes, if concerned team wants it, all players have to draw at the next round

Why ? Getting clean and balanced games w/e the situation.

RIsks ? People could abuse it and try to leave to avoid elo lost, but there is bans for that.



Re: [LTD] [1200+]

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 12:44 am
by HealByColor
I am not sure if we could implement something more then what we have. If people were to report the leavers or dis connectors more often this issue would decrease. This will require a team effort. This is the only answer I have to avoid abuse.

This is a link if you're unsure of where to go:
Make sure you follow this:

Re: [LTD] [1200+]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:10 am
by nabo.

Each players votes to draw the game, therefore, making it a rule that they must draw makes little sense.

We could autodraw such cases and we used to..., but we do not any more because players abused the !draw command to save their elo.

Re: [LTD] [1200+]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:25 am
by supersexyy
People will abuse this.

Re: [LTD] [1200+]

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:34 am
by 1005
Most of us who had drawed as a gesture of goodwill, and a gentleman's game. I will not recommence a draw as a rule if the game is under 20 rounds. Supersexyy did point out people will abuse it. Look at LIHL players, there are some of the repeat offenders keep abusing it.