Anda LIHl apply
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:55 pm
Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: none
[b]Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Anda
[b]If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: Ace Dodo Tariq Zinzin FredeGL Marshmallows Crazyskeleton forestone Mick Michonne and more
Do you have Gproxy installed? no but will get if needed
[b]Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL) ea holder engi yolo
[b]Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test):
[b]Any additional information that you would like to provide:
Hi Folks id like to join u guys up in LIHL . I am not the best player but i feel i have not much to learn anymore in 1200 and hope i am ready for the next steps. I waited a long to do this apply and i hope i am not wasting your time with it I am willing to learn and listen to advices and always try to supply what the team is needed in any games. I am not the smartest person in the world and i do still make some dumb mistakes but i am coachable and will gladly take any advice to improve and bring the best to the table. My replays are not the greatest but i guess they show what i can do and where i lack knowledge quite well. I have a lot of friends in lihl and id like to have some more high level games and a great time with old and , hopefully, new friends. I hope the links for the replays are right and this apply is formal correct i am quite the pcmonkey .
[b]Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Anda
[b]If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: Ace Dodo Tariq Zinzin FredeGL Marshmallows Crazyskeleton forestone Mick Michonne and more
Do you have Gproxy installed? no but will get if needed
[b]Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL) ea holder engi yolo
[b]Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test):
[b]Any additional information that you would like to provide:
Hi Folks id like to join u guys up in LIHL . I am not the best player but i feel i have not much to learn anymore in 1200 and hope i am ready for the next steps. I waited a long to do this apply and i hope i am not wasting your time with it I am willing to learn and listen to advices and always try to supply what the team is needed in any games. I am not the smartest person in the world and i do still make some dumb mistakes but i am coachable and will gladly take any advice to improve and bring the best to the table. My replays are not the greatest but i guess they show what i can do and where i lack knowledge quite well. I have a lot of friends in lihl and id like to have some more high level games and a great time with old and , hopefully, new friends. I hope the links for the replays are right and this apply is formal correct i am quite the pcmonkey .