Again sorry for the long wait
@nicolai123Sadly due to the new patch I can't watch your replays anymore (funnily you can open them but you won't see anything once level 1 starts). Watching random replays instead. wagon, you play overly risky with 2 meats lvl 1, 3 meats lvl 2. They send lvl 2 and you leak huge 2+3. This really wasn't worth it, but oh well ... not a too big deal. harlot game, not too much to say. Though making infantry + zeus for level 5 instead of just another harlot wasn't a good choice. Also questionable to just mass zeus from arena to lvl 12. EA game again not much to say. But going full EA vs level 17 isn't good so unless you used some re-rolls already you should have done so. wagon and again 2 meat lvl 1, 3 for lvl 2 and 5 for lvl 3. That's really not worth it when you leak huge vs any send on these levels. And if you have to do so then at leats add a tier 1 level 3 (u had 27 gold). U had 280 value at level 10 and add a cyborg for arena instead of pushing 1 more time, that's also a bad choice. Again you should have added t1 for level 5 when you have the gold left. Level 7 you build overseer with a total of 800 value, that's totally not worth it and just cipples you level 8, 9 and 10 (you could sell t1 and upgrade to wolverine).
I'm sorry but I think you are still not ready for LIHL. Even considering they were random replays I have to deny your vouch request. I wouldn't call any of the 5 games good and maybe 2 games (harlot and EA) were okish for a vouch request, but then again they were straight forward rolls and were still played suboptimal.
As always you can apply again in some weeks and I suggest you to watch/observe LIHL games.
Thanks for applying, but denied.