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Vouch me

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:22 pm
by JSS_Elmo
Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have:[/b] I used to play lihl a few years ago with positive win rate, but i got unvouched becuase i played drunk and didnt rr egg+tribesman.

Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: Meinert

What is your Discord account? SKype: Xsziew

If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with: Legionsenpai ma best buddy

Do you have Gproxy installed? no, but i will do it asap if i get vouched

Attach at least three LTD Mega 3.42 1200+ game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL): i have one replay attached that represents my skill very well.

Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test):
Any additional information that you would like to provide: I am really nice and i help new players and i take advice if im the newer player.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 11:35 pm
by JSS_Elmo
dont wanna start drama, but here is a rec of hordor making fun of my gamewinning build and making gamelosing calls.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:18 am
by wani9311
That attitude definitely not gonna help you on apply, I can tell that already

Also you need attach 3 replays/ your replay is old dated which cannot be run in current version of wc3

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:32 am
by Kreutertee
His approach of getting vouched is to discredit other players? Justify his unvouch? Attach 1 replay? He showing a great deal of disrespect. Drama will be immanent. Please just dismiss this nonsense.

Apart from that, I remember his name from random games, didn't play particularly well.


Ok, so I watched some replays now.

The attached spawn and wolves replay is a sprout td from wc3 version 1.27 ?! whatever...

I watched random replays then since he didn't provide any viable information himself.
1st game:
His team has ygg, lod and aqua. apparently he rerolls shit, but then aborts wisp, goes Moonguard, when push was needed imo. He also had gatguards, which is a solid suicide yolo with the units on your teammates. You leak in 2 due to enemy sending and solo-call last second "i need 6 gold" and just send a furb. Ending up being a solo send, while team didnt agree. Good tk. Being asked what he's doing, this is his response
(05:45 / All) meinert: i played lihl i dont need ur noob advice

2nd game: Random aqua game, nothing of the ordinary, ok-ish game.

3rd game: He has engis. Last second call to send 2, yet there was no need. And then he instantly sent. The result: 2 people sending in round 2, 2 people holding lumber. Bad placement of engi in 3 caused him to leak a LOT with 320 value vs one BO. In 4 you then go from 5/1 to 5/2. Then going 7/2 instead of 5/3. During round 5 you could easy have gone 6/3 and you add 20 more value for 5 (?!). Badly played imo.

Overall, what I saw in every single game, he has a big attitude problem. He's fighting on any occasion, he communicates very poorly or just makes solo calls without waiting for a response and instantly executes them, which ultimately leaves his team crippled and disadvantaged.

From what I've seen, this gentlemen should not be vouched.


Re: Vouch me

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:10 pm
by Don_Killuminati
JSS_Elmo wrote:Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have:[/b] I used to play lihl a few years ago with positive win rate, but i got unvouched becuase i played drunk and didnt rr egg+tribesman.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I remember this egg tribes game, it was a 3s game with armed you and i, we asked you to rr lvl1 which you didnt .
As far as i remember, your issue was your ability to listen to your team (stubborn) and not tunnel vision plays .
If you wanna play lihl again, i hope you fixed that.
Also i wondered about the 'positive elo win rate' so i decieded to check it : you played season 9 with 59W/71L = 45.38% #71, bottom list .

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 2:13 pm
by IamHodor
Here is a replay where i played with him, definitly doesn't fit with lihl.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 3:55 pm
by JSS_Elmo
Oh well i can see where this is going. It's okay guys, ill try again later with some more replays :). Have a great day, everyone!

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:43 pm
by FadingSuns
I played with him one game not much ago and he was decent. Its true that he tends yo force calls (i use to let ppl call on 1200 cuz i rlly dont give a shit much) but in my case the calls he forced were good calls.

If u work in ur ego problem i think i will support u but for the moment ima stay neutral.

@hodor: its so easy to have problems with u on 1200 bot. So linking games when ppl rage with u shouldnt have much specific weight in vouch request. Ur a big troll on 1200 and u know it nigga. (i say this with love but its true)

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:49 pm
by IamHodor
@FadingSuns if i can't troll in 1200 where can i troll then ? ;;
Moreover you teached me how to tk, so i train in 1200 :D
<3 tker

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 4:26 pm
by b0redpandaya

made so many negative experience with him.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:53 pm
by bigM

lots of negative experiences in 1200+ games as well.
plus, someone trying to make someone else look bad in this vouch request doesn't show the best manners imo.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:49 pm
by JSS_Elmo
For The record, hodor posted The first comment on This thread With the text "total noob" so thats why i upload This game With him. Unfoturtunately he deletes his comment so now i look like the silly goose. But i got him pretty good in a few games today, gonna save Those for My next request :)

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 9:55 pm
by Nore
So, do you still want us to check this particular vouch request? Or should I process this and you will try again sometime in the future? I can't tell from the way you are talking
Oh well i can see where this is going. It's okay guys, ill try again later with some more replays :). Have a great day, everyone!

Just for the record, even though you are getting a lot of negative "publicity" here, the "support, no support" system was removed, so we would be judging this application solely on your replays and skillset. Please let us know what you want from this request; I will check it if you still want that, or you can try again when you feel more ready.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 10:06 pm
by JSS_Elmo
Oh thats great i didnt know That. Yes I might aswell Stick to This one i guess, gonna upload some more replyas tommorow, since The one i attached Was indeed an Old rec of sproud td lol.

Re: Vouch me

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:59 pm
by JSS_Elmo
Added 3 games