First replay: Ygg start, gambling lvl2 with solo ygg and then add another ygg lvl3 and get fat, what a dream

Cannot even add something to this replay, was played very well till end of the game.
Second replay: Lod start and enemy team sends warrs, dream start again =) Even tho you had annoying blue guy who played very bad and wanted to ff (also who lied in previous game that he observes lihl games and told that we never put parasite on elite archers ROFL), you played this game again pretty good. Only thing that I didn’t like is that you were keep making carrions behind after lvl10 also, guess was better to rr them for some more solid backline. You had 2200 value and 100 income with 7/5 before arena start, so if you had nothing else to build I would even go 100/100 rr if it was your next rr.
Those 2 games were pretty simple and easy to play, so I took one more game to review from your replays.
Third replay: 200 value engi start and enemy again sends warrs against you

6:0 push lvl2, nice! Holding lvl4 with 7/0 and 440 value was also very strong

7/3 for lvl7 and adding wyv which fucked up your mutant up lvl8. You stayed 7/3 for lvl8 and didn’t get mutant still, cause it was no king gold at all for you, adding second wyvern was not a good idea, I think if you gave up lvl8 and get your mutant for lvl9 it would be better. Also the decision to stay 7/3 for lvl10 and add more wyverns I don’t appreciate. Wyverns without good front line mostly cant hold well and predictably you leaked 3 bosses. You had good value and income still, but could’ve been better.
Summarizing all things that I saw I can say that you are very friendly person and take part in every team call, also asking what is better to do with your build if you have some doubts. Last game with mutants you had a noob team, and you were not able to ask someone what was better to do. I am sure if it was a lihl game, someone would already give right advice, you just follow it and make a better game. All in all you seem to be skilled and decent player, you just need better players to play with you and against you so you can catch up the current meta faster and improve your gameplay in some aspects.
You deserve the trial vouch, while your trial period people can post comments about your skill and gameplay, so try to show your best and justify my trust in you!
TheGreatDane@useast is vouched. Dont forget that you need to change your discord name from TGD to your vouched name, so you can sign games normally.
Congratulations on being accepted for trial into the Legion TD Mega In-house League! Fun opportunities and challenging higher quality games are awaiting just for you!
Here are a few things you need to make sure you do:
As a new member to the LIHL community, you will be placed on a
trial status for approximately 3 weeks. As a trial member you will be given the same rights and privileges as any other member of the LIHL. However, as a trial member, your performance and attitude will be monitored closely by the Moderators. We understand that it may take some time to adjust to LIHL game plays, but we expect that you will learn and adjust quickly.
Moderators reserve the right to revoke your vouch status at any time during your trial period without notice due to poor performance or attitude. If you do pass the trial period and become fully vouched, we expect you to maintain high levels of performance and a good attitude - an expectation for all of our members. There are extensive unvouch and ban protocols in place to ensure compliance.
LIHL appreciates your interest and is delighted to welcome you. Happy Gaming! :)