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LIHL application

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:54 am
by Mi Bi Tyu
Hello, I am MiSohHoeny. I don't know if any know me from LIHIL, maybe beep knows me since I play with him few times. Also ricky911.

Here are replay for case of LIHL. ... e/2908341/

I lose it, but still I hold all sends, 2 demons lvl 20. We win next lvl, if pink does not build witch doctor wrong we win.

Re: LIHL application

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:50 am
by eldryan
Based on your replay, you have a good case of meeting the standard for LIHL - however, you sent level 14 against crossbuild and lost two heals level 17 because of a low HP king. You are also very low ELO. I suggest you obs some games/watch a few replays, to get a feel for the play of LIHL, and better your ELO to 1300.