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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:20 am
by Crazy_Skeleton
Tell us what other previous league or in-house experience you have: NONE
Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: DonKilluminati6 ; Tariq ; Pyro ; Softbiscuit ; Dr.Awkward; Adithename ; BeepBoopBeep ; Rockandrolled ; V1rus ; milfhunter96 ; MagicPatatos ; TinSoldier ; LordPisdov ; HugMeOnce ; Jason- ; Broud3r ; Kwycky and maaaaaany others !!! SOME OF THEM MIGHT KNOW ME AS CRAZY_SKELETON !!!
If possible, provide a list of LIHL players who might know you or that you are acquainted with:
Do you have Gproxy installed? no, did not need
Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go merc, cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL): ... 555471.w3g I DO NOT REMEMBER WHAT IS IN IT :D ... 555334.w3g AS ABOVE
Provide 3 lihl games you have observed as an observer: ... 563261.w3g ... 563530.w3g
Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test):
[b]Any additional information that you would like to provide:
3500 games on ent, about 3000 LTD 1200+ games, I wanna join LIHL to find out if i can learn something new.

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:33 am
by Don_Killuminati
!Support my kurwa!

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:06 am
by Crazy_Skeleton

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:24 am
by V1rus
yo crazy. thanks for applying. I will most likely have my support as soon as you fill out these 3 steps:

Attach at least two LTD Mega 3.41 game replays (one as yolo, other as a holder) that represent your skill (do not provide replays where you go merc, cross-build, double-build or aura swap as these tactics are not allowed in LIHL):

Provide 3 lihl games you have observed as an observer: did not

Take a random wc3 screenshot, attach it, and private message it to recipient “LIHL Moderators” (LIHL Guide -> SS-Test):

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:59 am
by Miyagi
Has the experience and attitude to play in LIHL


Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:46 pm
by pistov
+1 need more fresh meat to eat Kappa

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:04 pm
by SLSGuennter
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: DonKilluminati6 ; Tariq ; Pyro ; Softbiscuit ; Dr.Awkward; Adithename ; BeepBoopBeep ; Rockandrolled ; V1rus ; milfhunter96 ; MagicPatatos ; TinSoldier ; LordPisdov ; HugMeOnce ; Jason- ; Broud3r ; Kwycky and maaaaaany others !!! SOME OF THEM MIGHT KNOW ME AS CRAZY_SKELETON !!!


Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:09 pm
by tariqtd
support 100%
salam bro

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:18 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
Waalaikumsalam :)

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:20 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
Guennter wrote:
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: DonKilluminati6 ; Tariq ; Pyro ; Softbiscuit ; Dr.Awkward; Adithename ; BeepBoopBeep ; Rockandrolled ; V1rus ; milfhunter96 ; MagicPatatos ; TinSoldier ; LordPisdov ; HugMeOnce ; Jason- ; Broud3r ; Kwycky and maaaaaany others !!! SOME OF THEM MIGHT KNOW ME AS CRAZY_SKELETON !!!


Wassap Gun? U do not know me or what u mean? We played at least few games on 1200 ;)

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:22 pm
by broud3r
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:
Guennter wrote:
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as: DonKilluminati6 ; Tariq ; Pyro ; Softbiscuit ; Dr.Awkward; Adithename ; BeepBoopBeep ; Rockandrolled ; V1rus ; milfhunter96 ; MagicPatatos ; TinSoldier ; LordPisdov ; HugMeOnce ; Jason- ; Broud3r ; Kwycky and maaaaaany others !!! SOME OF THEM MIGHT KNOW ME AS CRAZY_SKELETON !!!


Wassap Gun? U do not know me or what u mean? We played at least few games on 1200 ;)

he quoted it because
"Provide a list of aliases. These are names that people might recognize you as:" mean which alias you got aka other accounts, not which players you know.
edit: forgot to !support

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:24 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
Ah sry, nvm

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:59 pm
by TinSoldier
!support fun guy to play with it and takes advice

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:08 pm
by nabo.
When you are vouching for someone to a league, you should be vouching mainly for his skills. Is he up to the league's standards or not? Then, perhaps mention about his overall attitude or ingame behaviour as a plus.

Therefore, instead of mere statements such as "he is a nice guy" or " dude to play with", elaborate bit more.

Re: SupremeBeing

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:58 pm
by Miyagi

Somebody has been vouched recently because 5 people vouched for his attitude only.

SupremeBeing, is more than qualified for a trial to LIHL, he has a surplass of games played on 1200bot, and many people in LIHL recognize him.

Mods should be more stricter on vouches, and not just vouch based on 5 "thumbs up". Maybe an X amount of games played on 1200, can be a requirement, and for the Mods to actually watch the replays and provide feedback. We have plenty of Mods in LIHL to do that.