report ztx)fiji

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report ztx)fiji

Postby BBo » Tue May 10, 2016 8:36 pm

wow amazing !!!!!!!!!!

we got 2heal +imola in 3s

and they sent 14

we hold 14 ez with 2heal + imola im pretty sure u guys can c replay

but when creep going mid suddenly got dc dc dc dc so we wanna some pause since i cant control with that dc cancel dc continue dc cancel x10
so when we try pause that ztx)fiji unpause unpause x100 cant control cant heal with unpause
its happen auto heal x2 and we loose lol !!! even he didnt say anything just left in lihl channel

thats game would be win ezzzzz when we held 14 damn it!

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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby artmas » Tue May 10, 2016 8:41 pm

we cant heal

cuz tariq lag

we can easy hold 14


Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby MarshMallows » Tue May 10, 2016 10:58 pm

fiji tker this season

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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby dweiler » Wed May 11, 2016 5:05 pm

When I look at the replay, I don't think you would have survived even with the fail heal. But even then, why would Fiji deserve a ban because you missed a heal (possibly because of's lagging, I don't know)? There is no mandatory draw for situations like this. The unpauses did not cause you to lose (they were maybe a bit unmannered though).
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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby SLSGuennter » Thu May 12, 2016 2:11 am

MickeyTheMousie wrote:There is no mandatory draw for situations like this. The unpauses did not cause you to lose (they were maybe a bit unmannered though).

Well, so you dont have to pause, until the player who lags a lot gets stable connection again? If thats true, somebody could just pp, replug, pp, replug, pp, replug and win a game with this "tactic" cause enemy cant control the king? Seems shitty.
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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby BBo » Thu May 12, 2016 9:19 am


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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby BBo » Thu May 12, 2016 9:22 am

6goyle full hp 6 goyle half hp 1
7creeps + imola
7590 king hp + 2heal

how die
(3.89 MiB) Downloaded 45 times


Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby Don_Killuminati » Thu May 12, 2016 11:32 am

can not see pause in wc3 replays ?

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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby dweiler » Thu May 12, 2016 4:59 pm

Just to get it straight. The pause was AFTER the fail heal. Fiji unpaused without consent of enemy team which caused team to fail control. The unpause did not have a 'significant' impact on the game, because even with good control you could not survive at this point. However, it is forbidden according to rules to unpause without consent. In this case Fiji did not even try to make sure everyone was ready, so ZTX)Fiji will be unvouched for 1 day.

The thing with lagging and causing you to fail heal and with that possibly losing the game is seperate from this. (I am pretty sure you would have died anyway, but okay) At this point we do not have any rules on that. If you want to make a suggestion you are welcome to do so.
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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby BBo » Fri May 13, 2016 8:31 am

wat... did u c what i say?

I said when creep going mid we did pause and he did unpause.
why u saying "The pause was AFTER the fail heal. ? I said he did unpause 6times more
1. when we try pause he did unpause(creep+goyle keep going mid) 2. when we try pause he did unpause(when start king fighting with creep) So we gave up since he got no manner 3. when we try pause he did unpause \
4. ~ 5~ 6~ more more zzz
Now u know what i mean? I don't know why u saying like that
-When creep going mid keep DC + also when i try king control (u know mean? srry about noob english)
these times we try to pause but cant pause !! cuz that ztx)fiji did unpause everytime

+ I made 3.41e myself and try to start 14level 26creeps+ 16goyle+2locks with 2heal+kingmax+imola
its ez held without dc, pause ,confused
u can try with debug in game

When i start king control i got confused so much ! even cant focus on control cuz dc undc dc undc and pause unpause pause unpause

anyway i just dont understand why fiji duin like that really..zzzzz + he didnt say sorry zzz just left war3 lol.
nice manner guy fiji^^

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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby dweiler » Fri May 13, 2016 9:34 am

@BBo ,

I don't know if I am misunderstanding you, but there have only been pauses after the fail heal.

Fail heal :
33:11 <Jason-> 0x12: Target order: holybolt (X: -3534.97, Y: -3214.66, Target: 0x0000148A0000148A, flags: 0x0044)

First pause/ unpause
33:15 <bbo.bbo> 0x01: Pause game / 33:15 <ZTX)Fiji> 0x02: Resume game
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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby Diablo_ » Fri May 13, 2016 10:12 am

As mick already said, the game was not paused until after both heals were used. You also did not use 2x auto heal, but 1x auto heal and 1x proper heal. If you are reporting things it would be nice if you could first make sure that your report is at least somewhat accurate :)

So what did happen?
You guys leak lvl 14.
Tariq seemed to lag quite some.
Someone misses his heal. (Missing a heal with a 18k hp king and not so fast dmg loss on him can't be excused by some lags happening imo. Sure it happens to everyone but blaming the lag for it is rather wrong.)
The second heal is used properly.
At this point you had no chance to survive anymore.
West starts pausing the game, Fiji unpauses them all.

So Fiji had nothing to do with the problems before the pauses and when he did unpause the game was already over. Yes it wasn't well mannered from him as you could maybe discuss about a draw (no obligation to draw tho) and unpausing the game without saying anything is also against the rules (hence the 1 day ban), but at the end of the day Fiji's unpausing didn't have any impact on the game (except of taking the chance of maybe drawing it).
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Re: report ztx)fiji

Postby BBo » Fri May 13, 2016 3:05 pm

I d c elo, I didnt wanted draw also
Well mb i got confused i thought when creep going mid we did pause cuz 2 hard to control with that lag, and I thought fiji did unpause
That lagg happen jason also did miss heal. anyway i'm tired talkin about this . I will forgive fiji .
If i miss memory so srry
ITS done.

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