unvouch achilles

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unvouch achilles

Postby FateStayNight » Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:39 pm

His skill level is by far the lowest in Lihl + lack of mapawarness.
This game we said straight 7, and he says he needs send, i guess cuz he wants his 3-0 push. So because he wants 3-0 we should tk send with our rolls. He solosend then on 2 and force us to follow, then he ignores me.


Beside his skillevel is way below Lihlavg (i remember him selling 2 turret! for going tok, he usually sells around 90-200 gold to get tok on 5), even plays tok over aqua when having harlot holder.

at least when hes with me ingame he does nothing productiv for the teamplay.

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Re: unvouch achilles

Postby HazarDous » Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:09 pm

I won't act on 1 game for a permanent unvouch.

Regarding temporary unvouch, he tried to communicate, and got no answer + someone sent mili so he easily could have panic-sent.

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Re: unvouch achilles

Postby Achillesgr_mir » Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:51 pm

push reg push and clog asking for an unvouch and talking about low skills


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