SingAboutMe wrote:i think thats bullshit mick tbh, who ever told you what to build or when to push. Right almost never because u know how to play.
the bigger problem is the good players are dodging alot/ playing 1200+, so we are left with players which do alot of mistakes still, so its obvious that u gonna have to tell them what to build for certain levels. When i started playing lihl players almost told me every game do sth different and most of the time i accepted it.
I know that especially im a player who tells other people alot what to do allthough i gave up on many players cuz they whatever they want anyway .
I think lihl could use some less 1200 and more lihl (hello@ hug,mick,dia, psyclone, michonne )
It has actually been two weeks since I last played 1200+ Anyway, if you think I'm just making up something, this is some of my last games (sure like a month ago).They even were 2 games in a row. This is stuff I never said to people ever in LIHL and it was just because for a while already often when I play I spend more time arguing my own build than playing. And when I see people reporting each other for pushing 7-4 or deciding to not go lock for a legit reason it only seems to be getting worse.
Anyway that doesn't matter - my point is that I don't think it's a good sign if we go report each other here for this kind of stuff. Focus your own lane and if someone TKs hard report him showing he can't manage the level of LIHL by multiple games, objective stuff. Not this shit of watching each other too much and then even bringing that to the forum.