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TIN flame

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:38 am
by Crazy_Skeleton
#1 Idm Tin dodge almost every game i join. I prefer he dodge casue #2.
#2 Tin ignorimg me every game when he is in my team is within the rules but completly stupid since i never speak to him and Tin makes calls what makes me harder to follow (since he ignores me)
#3 Tin flaming me everytime he sees me is the thing i report here. Not in game and without reason. In lobby he just called me once again alcoholic bitch. Do I care this much? No. Could I ignore it? Yes, I did it for months. Question to the MODS is: Does any1 has to deal with such behaviour in our lihl community.

Re: TIN flame

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:53 am
by TinSoldier
i offer my spot to artmas because he got sniped from previous lobby since someone dc'd. I go to OBS and say not a single word to this kurwa, and then he says kick tin no obs allowed. Of course im going to tell him to fuck off lol. what a crybaby.

Re: TIN flame

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:01 pm
by BoretkPanda
men supreme ur annoyn

Re: TIN flame

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:07 pm
by schrumpfi
I think there wasn't a single game i played with tin he didn't flame me - even if we play together or against. Do i care? no! I just flame him back cause he is TIN 1.0 - and with flaming he shows other people his respect :D

Re: TIN flame

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:21 pm
by FadingSuns
TinSoldier wrote:i offer my spot to artmas because he got sniped from previous lobby since someone dc'd. I go to OBS and say not a single word to this kurwa, and then he says kick tin no obs allowed. Of course im going to tell him to fuck off lol. what a crybaby.

Thats not exactly correct tin, i was in a game where u directly called him alcoholic out of nowhere. Look, i dont care if u tell him he is bad player or whatever, but going personal is what we just said we wont admit.

Just keep it low profile when u play with him, i know u can limit to say calls. @supreme i have also seen u provoking tin more than once. So this is the last time ima warn tin about his personal insulting to Supreme, call him noob, ok, call him tk player, ok. But dont cross that line freely anymore. Next time u call him alcoholic or something similar u will get 3 days.
