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Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:52 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
Not much to talk about.
1. 3s game started
2. 2 obs, including me, were swapped in
3. Kiwi wrote "veto" when I was swapped in, received owner from Ace and swapped both players out
4. 3s instead of 4s game started

Last time he did not care about !roll as I was obs, he just picked a player and started d game. Well if kiwi wanna dodge me, idc. But if the rule about swaping in players that wanna play has not changed, hearby I report Kiwi.

How gay such behaviour is?! :D You can conjunct this to the "manners issue" topic

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:44 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
I signed for a 3s game with actual good players. I did not sign to babysit your lane or to see you build like a brainless idiot because you refuse to listen to others.

There is no such rule as having to swap observers in.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:50 pm
by Anda

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:12 pm
by broud3r
thats a conflict to the rule stated on the wiki if i dont misunderstand it.

Code: Select all


All games must !votebalanced, unless it is a !challenge game, or all players agree to a different set-up. If a player disagrees with someone to be swapped in, and that someone has earned his spot (!roll, given by someone else, etc.), then the player shall step aside

should be updated or a simpler phrasing :)

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:17 pm
by HazarDous
broud3r wrote:thats a conflict to the rule stated on the wiki if i dont misunderstand it.

I think you do :O! Rules aren’t conflicting with each other as far as I see.

Basically, kiwi has the right to step aside and to dodge supreme, not the right to deny him a spot that he has conquered through the hardship or !rollwar

Edit: I think you confused “player” with “someone”, could be a good thing to change “someone” for “observer” on the wiki.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:20 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
broud3r wrote:thats a conflict to the rule stated on the wiki if i dont misunderstand it.

Code: Select all


All games must !votebalanced, unless it is a !challenge game, or all players agree to a different set-up. If a player disagrees with someone to be swapped in, and that someone has earned his spot (!roll, given by someone else, etc.), then the player shall step aside

should be updated or a simpler phrasing :)

That is also how I see it.

Anyway, if I was to step aside, supreme would still sit since inq was first to be swapped in, and we didn't have any other observer who would've been swapped in.

This rule doesn't make much sense to me.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:27 pm
by HazarDous
I agree. If you are 8 players (3v3 + 2obs) and you don’t want to play with one of the obs, you can basically refuse to play with said obs, leading to a 3v3 game being the only viable option again. Then who has priority... you who signed and refused swap or obs who joined late?

In cases where there’s a 9th player, you (kiwi) would simply be swapped out but in a case where there’s only 8 players, there is no precedent to the rule interpretation here.

@KiwiLeKiller @CrazySkeleton would help to have game link if you have it.

But if there was no 9th player to make it a 4v4 despite kiwi’s refusal to 4s with supreme, I would think the player who waited the longer (signed) should get to play the 3s game...

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:33 pm
by FadingSuns
HazarDous wrote:I agree. If you are 8 players (3v3 + 2obs) and you don’t want to play with one of the obs, you can basically refuse to play with said obs, leading to a 3v3 game being the only viable option again. Then who has priority... you who signed and refused swap or obs who joined late?

In cases where there’s a 9th player, you (kiwi) would simply be swapped out but in a case where there’s only 8 players, there is no precedent to the rule interpretation here.

@KiwiLeKiller @CrazySkeleton would help to have game link if you have it.

But if there was no 9th player to make it a 4v4 despite kiwi’s refusal to 4s with supreme, I would think the player who waited the longer (signed) should get to play the 3s game...

Appart all of that, the rule is nowhere written except on archieved topics so it doesnt make much sense ban kiwi for this. Once the rule is updated on wiki it will make sense to ban such move. ATM i think its a bit tricky.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:36 pm
by KiwiLeKiller
Yes, only logic outcome is that me (player who actually signed for the current set-up, being a 3s with the given players) get to play.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:02 pm
by DJ.FM
Just make the rule clear and move on or update players so they are aware so there is no confusion in the future even though it was obvious what was happening here , supreme was unwanted.

It makes little sense who you want to play with because if supreme had signed in lobby you couldn't refuse or your technically dodging him , also you can't control who signs in a lobby

In this situation there were two willing players wanting to play I was swapped in for 4s in this lobby and there was no refusal till I told them I had no time and supreme was now the other option.

The most obvious thing here is if it was other players who had joined they wouldn't be denied in this situation.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:29 pm
by dweiler
About the rule, they are conflicting, since the rule-update says that it's mandatory to play the 4v4, and in the wiki it says that you can swap out.

In either case, Kiwi did not agree with the 4v4, nor did he make any effort to see if they can play with a swap, so he deserves an unvouch.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:35 pm
by Crazy_Skeleton
1. I remember the rule that dodging was also bannable, but maybe it changed.
2. In this game ( we had some 3 obs: me, inq and and DJ.Fm. Me and inq wanted to play. Anyway objective things are:
- kiwi received owner and did what he wanted: kicked swapped in obs and started the game. We can pretend that Russia did not sent troops to Ukraine, that there are human rights and democracy in China and that Kiwi acted on behalf of the rules.. we can
- at the second kiwi kicked swapped in obs and started the game he did not care if other will play. He just did not want me to play fullstop. As he did already in recent past but I ignored it.
3. I am not going to sit games that I could play, because Kiwi has issues.
All in all I am not mad at Kiwi. I do not care him and his opinion about me also. I do not care if he will be banned also. I just do not want this problem to come back.

PS. Of course I do not follow his commands to me (advices that U must follow or noob), cause he they are not worth following.

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:13 pm
by BoretkPanda
So u have to swap to get 4s when u signed for 3s? That's kinda bs.

I feel you my kiwiheart

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:17 pm
by MudMan
Crazy_Skeleton wrote:We can pretend that Russia did not sent troops to Ukraine, that there are human rights and democracy in China and that Kiwi acted on behalf of the rules..

Nigga what

Re: Kiwi swap out 2 players for 3s game lihl44u

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:39 pm
by Meshtar
I'm just wondering what would the replies be if this didn't happen to supreme, but to someone popular in lihl. Every thread is the same, always.