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Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:30 am
by clearfluids
swapped out of a game that I started. after only 2 minutes?

Pure abuse and i wanted to play previous game as well and was swapped out, which i also started. I blame hazardous


Re: report

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:51 am
by Kreutertee
well, we did a rematch. haza did the swap and I ended up starting, since I was owner. Was a tk move. Sorry clear.

both haza and I deserve punishment.

Re: report

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:47 am
by HazarDous
Sorry for the abort clear, had not noticed you had been waiting. A game had just ended and since I wasn't signed for 4s myself, I wasn't paying attention to signed players. I thought everyone that was signed were from the previous game, so I simply aborted when I was asked to do it (4s was not going to start). Though you were not AFK.. you could have just joined and asked us to swap you in given you had been waiting.

As for the 2 minute (and a half to be precise) swap, it was another unfortunate event. However, swapping != rule break, I always check time on discord before starting a game with a swapped player.

Re: report

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:18 pm
by Anda
Please be more careful next time, try to minimize mistakes Haza. Mistakes do happen, apologies were handled and i hope this will be as less an issue as possible.I dont see any bantime usefull tbh, since it was simply a mistake and no ill intent.
Edit: Did make this one yday before going to sleep, forgot to write about Kreutertee and the premature start.It was def a rulebreak, but he made a mistake, apologized it for and i dont see any lesson to be learned by a bantime aswell when hes aware of the mistake and took responsibility for it. First time i see any offense since he returned, so this is just a warning, but how i got to know him here hell be more carefull in the future now anyway.
Also 2h rule, should have denied it anyway ;) I was just tired.

Happy gaming