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Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:48 pm
by Stiff_Maistar
Reporting achillesgr for command abuse/kicking me out of the game.
There was a 2s that was started. Those who were signed in was: schrumpfi, achillesgr and n1lle. I then signed in and was on team with n1lle.
Inside the lobby they asked for a 3s since achille wanted to play with immer and Lforward was also waiting. I said no, i wanted to play 2s and not 3s. And then he kicked me and started the game with immer instead of me.
Screenshot that says who was signed for the game:
(4 MiB) Downloaded 38 times

[Achillesgr]: !open 11
[System]: *** player [STIFF_Maistar] has left the game (was kicked when opening a slot)
[Achillesgr]: !open 12
[System]: *** player [LForward] has left the game (was kicked when opening a slot)
[Achillesgr]: !start
[System]: Countdown aborted because someone left the game less than two seconds ago!
[immerfestedruff]: trololol
[n1ll3]: ...
[Achillesgr]: dictator
[immerfestedruff]: xD
[immerfestedruff]: ahahaha
[Achillesgr]: !close 11 12
[immerfestedruff]: stathis for president

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:06 pm
by Achillesgr6
i feel so sorry for you by reading this

we had a 2 vs2 game

we wanted a rematch ΙΜΜΕΡ sign accidently for 4s..i asked lord-miles to take his place in 4s so we could go 2s me and immer vs n1ll3 and scrh

while we were waiting stiff signed for 2s..i explain him what happend ..and he said that is not his problem...i asked him if he wanna 3s cause lforward was also on lobby and we could forget that 2s cause i can understand that i cant let 2 more people without playing ..then stiff said 2s or i go to play lol....i said CLEARLY "stiff we wanted a game me and immer and n1ll3 with schr..then you took his place can you plz give your spot or we could play 3s so you dont stay without game since forward is on the game..he said that point i asked from n1ll3 to give me owner i swaped hi out and i start the game me and immer and n1ll3 with scrh


p.s he snipes immer i asked gently i think we play with players who have iQ ΗΕΡΕ.. if i knew i wont play with immer i wouldnt sign to play....still i dont have problem with stiff..i just feel so sorry by this move

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:09 pm
by n1ll3

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:13 pm
by Lord-Miles
Well there was nothing like rematch i just want to say that , i am gonna say what i saw.

Achilles want to play with immer but not sure if IMMER knows about that- vs n1ll3 and shrumpfy , asked me to go and play for immer cause the guy already signer for 4s i did that ofcourse and before i even join the game i saw in the lobby there was a game 2s and stiff used !sign , there was nothing like sniped slot or rematch that is what i want just to say.

One more thing from today from Achilles - there was a game where achilles was like i am not going to draw , so there was a pause and like 4-5 peoples asked for draw...

(13:14 / Allied) Lord-Miles: !draw
(13:14 / All) n1ll3: Player [Lord-Miles] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(13:16 / Allied) Achillesgr: dont
(13:20 / Allied) AvadaKedavra: !draw
(13:20 / All) n1ll3: Player [AvadaKedavra] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(13:27 / Allied) Achillesgr: lord first
(13:38 / Allied) Achillesgr: man
(13:39 / Allied) Achillesgr: target
(13:40 / Allied) n1ll3: draw
(13:40 / All) Achillesgr: leave king
(13:40 / All) 1007: whois?
(13:40 / All) Achillesgr: or target
(13:40 / Allied) 1007: check who didnt draw
(13:40 / Allied) 1007: and kick him
(13:40 / Allied) Achillesgr: !draw

Tariq was dropped but achilles want to play as you see.

This game - ... 652263.w3g

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:17 pm
by Achillesgr6
lord youa re totlay retard we playing 2s me and immer with n1ll3 all the time when immer log in i whisped him for game thats why i told you on lobby i will swap if you agree all the time me and immer cause next game was with him .. (and thats why i agree with my swap me jamo lforward ok???????????

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:20 pm
by Achillesgr6
and finaly what you cant understand i wouldnt sign if immer couldnt play the game why i have to apologize that it was 2s me and immer n1ll3 and scrh..if no these team i wouldnt play stiff sign while i was on obs at 4s to speak to the owner

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:26 pm
by Stiff_Maistar
Well, you could have left and swaped lforward in your spot since you wouldnt play without immer. But you cant kick someone who is signed because you want to play with your friend. ENT got costume games where you can do that.

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:30 pm
by HazarDous

Refrain from flaming, thanks.

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:33 pm
by Achillesgr6
Stiff_Maistar wrote:Well, you could have left and swaped lforward in your spot since you wouldnt play without immer. But you cant kick someone who is signed because you want to play with your friend. ENT got costume games where you can do that.

sometimes honor is better than rules..if i signed in your mates spots i would give my spot

and n1ll3 with scrh wanted to play vs me and immer 10 games in a row remind me the kids in school who take the ball with tears and saying its my ball i am gonna leave exactly that schoolshooters

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:57 pm
by Achillesgr6
Lord-Miles wrote:Well there was nothing like rematch i just want to say that , i am gonna say what i saw.

Achilles want to play with immer but not sure if IMMER knows about that- vs n1ll3 and shrumpfy , asked me to go and play for immer cause the guy already signer for 4s i did that ofcourse and before i even join the game i saw in the lobby there was a game 2s and stiff used !sign , there was nothing like sniped slot or rematch that is what i want just to say.

One more thing from today from Achilles - there was a game where achilles was like i am not going to draw , so there was a pause and like 4-5 peoples asked for draw...

(13:14 / Allied) Lord-Miles: !draw
(13:14 / All) n1ll3: Player [Lord-Miles] has voted to draw the game. 2 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(13:16 / Allied) Achillesgr: dont
(13:20 / Allied) AvadaKedavra: !draw
(13:20 / All) n1ll3: Player [AvadaKedavra] has voted to draw the game. 1 more votes are needed to pass the draw vote.
(13:27 / Allied) Achillesgr: lord first
(13:38 / Allied) Achillesgr: man
(13:39 / Allied) Achillesgr: target
(13:40 / Allied) n1ll3: draw
(13:40 / All) Achillesgr: leave king
(13:40 / All) 1007: whois?
(13:40 / All) Achillesgr: or target
(13:40 / Allied) 1007: check who didnt draw
(13:40 / Allied) 1007: and kick him
(13:40 / Allied) Achillesgr: !draw

Tariq was dropped but achilles want to play as you see.

This game - ... 652263.w3g


Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:32 pm
by Nore
Seems like a big misunderstanding; I read the lobby chat and he did mention the LoL thing, so I can see where things got mixed up..

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:41 pm
by Achillesgr6
thank god nore cause some people make thoughts that dont exist..i didnt imagine that it will bring us here to this situation

a) i wanted to 3s to not let someone out

b) i said 1 dont mind to sit,stiff goes to lol everyone happy (since stiff didnt want to 3s)

c) the close was that we didnt want noone when i said dictatory we always troll and was really great prase that moment after that conversation not anything bad with them...until now..

i will make a tread of 2s..cause after that.. stiff was sign on 2s all the time and didnt let us play until radian too him to public

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:58 pm
by Diablo_
There is no such thing as sniping or "this is a rematch, you can't play". Everyone can sign any time they want and everyone who is signed has to play the game. And as it seems immer signed for the 4vs4, so there apparently wasn't even a "rematch" planned.
And talking about honor ... kicking stiff is way lamer than him "stealing" a spot from someone who signed for a different game.

Unvouched for 3 days (wanted to do 5 days initially, but that LoL comment might have caused confusion as nore mentioned).

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:09 pm
by Stiff_Maistar
Regarding the LoL comment: I said i wanted to play 2s and nothing else. If there was several players (enough for a 3s without me) then i would go play LoL and give the spot. If not, i would play s2. Since there wasnt enough for a s3 without me the game mode would be s2.

But I said several times after that i want to play S2 and nothing else.

Re: Unvouch Achille

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:47 pm
by Achillesgr6
Lord-Miles wrote:Well there was nothing like rematch i just want to say that , i am gonna say what i saw.

Achilles want to play with immer but not sure if IMMER knows about that- vs n1ll3 and shrumpfy ,