TimmyTheTauren wrote:Can someone teech me how to pick rad every game? Stealer mayb?
How to win every game as builder and not die like Timmy:
- Pick Draenei or Demo. Every time. You'll be invulnerable.
- Buy HP ups, according to titan's attack damage and how much gold you're getting. If you are getting an abundance in gold, then just buy HP ups. You'll be happy when you do a Timmy and not watch mid for TP when golding, or get ward blocked like a Timmy. With HP ups, you can fuck around all you want like Timmy does, except that extra 100 or 200 HP will help a shit-tonne. Gold is for noobs who afk in bases anyway, 45G (or 75G for Tauren / 70G for Mag) is all you need for easy lumber feeding and megas. Any extra gold will basically be useless. That extra HP will be helpful for not getting bounce nuked as well.
- Buy shitloads of TPs. They're OP. As hell. Seriously. Stop being a greedy Jew and start buying TPs. Buy an early turtle scale on every builder (better if someone else buys it for you if you're a baser).
- Always play with one or more mates, and always double or triple base. You don't want to be caught with your pants down. Don't do a TNFU and feed your solo bases in in-houses. What you want to do is base at OP fucking spots when you have to, because if you are basing at a shitty spot, then that means you don't need to base in the first place and titan is fucking trash anyway, so just don't base, because basing is for noobs, and others will do that for you. Just be nice and ask for a merchant/ARC spot and they'll probably give it to you.
Source: Have been doing a Timmy since the dawn of time. Stopped being a greedy Jew and started playing more safe.
jew wrote:PLus wrote:we also have a lot of fun games where we don't base and harass the titan or base elsewhere.
How bad does the titan have to be for you to do that?
The average pub titan level...? Like I said, one shouldn't be AFK basing, unless they really have to. You can generally do perfectly fine without AFK hiding in a base even against most pub stompers just with TPs and a little sheep tag skill. Plus. has a good play-for-fun play-style; AFK basing is for noobs, and is cancer for decent players to be doing in public games. It's probably why people quit Island Defense, because they're always fucking AFK-ing in bases and not having the fun you can obtain by being outside a base. The only reason a decent player should base and AFK in it is if there is either far too many minions to get gold, too lazy to build a lumber base, or need space for an ARC/Merchant.
The problem isn't basing, the problem is just staying in the base and doing shit-all for another 30 minutes.