Switch unused DotA bots

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Switch unused DotA bots

Postby I-N-S-A-N-E » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:34 am

I was wondering if anyone was interested in changing some of the unused DotA bots (like some of the LoD bots or -sdem a-bal type bots that never fill) to some other versions that might have a better chance filling. The only ideas I have at this time are:
-Make another us/ca -apem or -arem bot to cycle 2 at a time, perhaps even making one of them 6.79c (indicated in title) along with the old version?
-Doubt they would fill but perhaps some sort of old fun modes like -dm, -du, or -sc could work?
-A "fun" bot that does not keep stats and perhaps uses the -switch command or auto shuffles players at the start?
Not saying any of these are the answer but those bots have been dead for so long maybe its time to throw some things at the wall and see what sticks. Any other ideas are certainly welcome...


Re: Switch unused DotA bots

Postby BouncingHitman » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:25 pm

Switch unused DotA bot for another DotA? How bout just getting rid of the unused DotA, and host games which are underated.

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