Korean conspiracy in 1v1

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Re: Korean conspiracy in 1v1

Postby HugMeOnce » Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:12 am

bombora wrote:
HugMeOnce wrote:I'm 100% convinced that this guy maphacks: tjwls wlssid fftr, etc... I played a series of hybrid games against him and he sent flawlessly every time on rounds 1-7 always sending the right level randomly sending on 1/2/3 depending on what towers I had - is there anyway to check his replays for maphack?

I'm actually inclined to agree with you, his warriors or not depends on your towers every time. That being said just keep it in mind, there's not way to catch him unless he fog clicks you.

Hey bom :) I played earlier with you im HyBriD, yeah 12 of my 16 losses came from this guy and the only times that I was able to catch him was when I would send right when the round would start lol. I'm still like 13-12 against his accounts but I definitely feel I was up against someone who could see my every move. I rewatched a replay of ours from levels 10-20, I couldn't believe how he started to push lumber upgrades after I started upping King, it was way too shady

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Re: Korean conspiracy in 1v1

Postby causefear » Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:28 pm

dnwlssid is name, 우진녕, U - jin - Nyung, he is a man

wlssid also name, just without family name

fftr mean nothing, like asdf, qwer..
tjwls also name, without family name, 서진, Seo-jin, he is a woman.

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