ID ban appeal

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ID ban appeal

Postby ripdog » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:58 am

Warcraft III username: ripdog
Realm: entconnect
Situation: -FROFF, -EXP, -GC TID:24619 (game ruining)
Why you should be unbanned:

I'm not going to bother saying I didn't break the rules, I did. I did it in ignorance (yeah, I didn't read them. Assumed they were common sense stuff like "don't TK"), and I did it because I wanted to fix the game - not ruin it. The titan was floundering, and there were several strong bases. Titan honestly didn't have a chance, so I wanted to toss him a bone. Titan eventually suicided because he knew he had lost.

I have now read the rules, and in future I will ask for a vote before -exp. Or rather not play red at all. I don't want to get banned again because only 50% of the players agreed...

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Re: ID ban appeal

Postby Virulence » Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:09 am

Quit lying about the other players agreed. Nobody agreed to the froff, or the exp, or the gc.

In addition, you were caught bandodging as well.

Edit: Denied. Caught bandodging as ceui@east
lionsblood a professional map maker...

Stealing others' work and calling it your own doesn't make you a professional map maker.

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