Drizzt_DoUrden USEAST

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Drizzt_DoUrden USEAST

Postby kimsta123 » Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:19 pm

Your Warcraft III username: kimsta123
Violator's Warcraft III username: Drizzt_DoUrden
Game name or map name: [ENT] Angel Arena Allstars #32
Stats page link:
Rule player violated: abused kick power
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): around 10 mins into game
Any further thoughts: he told me to get out of his farming spot when its not even his to begin with. Warned him that if he kicked me he needed a valid reason but he ended up kicking me.


Re: Drizzt_DoUrden USEAST

Postby -lothlorien » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:03 am

[ENT] Angel Arena Allstars #32

(07:48 / Allied) Drizzt_DoUrden: go away i was here first
(07:57 / Allied) Drizzt_DoUrden: take the other spawn up at gold
(08:06 / Allied) kimsta123: cant need more money
(08:32 / Allied) Drizzt_DoUrden: then go some were else you are disrupting my farm
(08:33 / Allied) x3.t-z.G-Cr.4zY: lol
(08:44 / Allied) Drizzt_DoUrden: i will kick you
(08:48 / Allied) kimsta123: you dont own this place bro and theres no rule against it. thats a ban
(08:57 / Allied) Drizzt_DoUrden: -kick 2


Re: Drizzt_DoUrden USEAST

Postby BouncingHitman » Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:48 pm

Drizzt_DoUrden@Northrend/Europe has been banned for 2 days for abusing the in-game kick function, thank you @krimsta123 for reporting; have a good one.

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