Hand of Midas

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby Prelude » Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:15 pm

midas is amazing if ur able to get an aghas up safely right after since ur damage is gonna end up going through the roof at a faster rate

aghas tiny op

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby BlackSpade » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:11 pm

Items are for noobs!! if you're good enough or man enough, you play the entire game, leading your team to victory with just reg. boots in the inventory :)

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby Prelude » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:20 pm

BlackSpade wrote:Items are for noobs!! if you're good enough or man enough, you play the entire game, leading your team to victory with just reg. boots in the inventory :)

wadda player


Re: Hand of Midas

Postby -lothlorien » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:31 pm

BlackSpade wrote:Items are for noobs!! if you're good enough or man enough, you play the entire game, leading your team to victory with just reg. boots in the inventory :)

replay or didn't happen!

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby nabo. » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:51 pm

BlackSpade wrote:Items are for noobs!! if you're good enough or man enough, you play the entire game, leading your team to victory with just reg. boots in the inventory :)

I wear none.
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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby greenmtn » Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:04 pm

I like HoM as a mid solo in em games. Start with 3 gg branches, and a set of tangoes and with good last hits and denies to control the mid lane you can farm a midas between 3-6 minutes. I usually save up to the 2050 gold in case I'm ganked or need to adjust my item decision, so I don't midas every time. Even as a support hero in em, if you solo mid with a HoM you can obtain lvl 11 and lvl 16 before the opposing teams carries.

I agree that in non-em a midas in preferable if you're building to the mid-late game.

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby supersexyy » Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:23 pm

HoM sucks in EM games. Also sucks as a solo mid item in 95% of cases.


Re: Hand of Midas

Postby -lothlorien » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:21 pm

super, your detailed explaintation is great. Especially the part where you consider and discuss the slow lvling that is an issue in em games, too.

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby supersexyy » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:36 pm

HoM is balanced for the slower normal game, therefore logically and practically it's quite weak in em games.
On solo mid it's quite bad as solo mids generally set the pace of the game and are the most important hero in early-mid for the transition to late. If solo mid goes hom then you lose that initiative. Mid heroes like invoker and lone druid can be exceptions. Invoker because it's spells are good enough and lone druid because there's many item slots to take advantage of.

If we're talking about random pub games it doesn't make much of a difference as strategy is often obsolete as most players are selfish eg everyone chooses carries etc


Re: Hand of Midas

Postby -lothlorien » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:39 pm

thanks :)

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby Google]Earth » Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:58 pm

m uidas noob items. realy, if need damage skadi, but 30 attacks is not good. !EM anyway so not time.

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby Lynx » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:42 pm

Google]Earth wrote:noob items

There isn't anything such a "noob item". all items are situational and a part of different strategies. If a item would be a "noob item" it would most likely not exist in the game.


Re: Hand of Midas

Postby child » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:45 pm

Google]Earth wrote:m uidas noob items. realy, if need damage skadi, but 30 attacks is not good. !EM anyway so not time.

best advice i've ever heard

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby Aghnaar » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:55 pm

Google]Earth wrote:m uidas noob items. realy, if need damage skadi, but 30 attacks is not good. !EM anyway so not time.

@Google]Earth consider starting a thread where u can give us advices and guides about heroes. U seem ideal for this role, I think ur experience will benefit this community a lot

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Re: Hand of Midas

Postby wislaa » Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:30 am

There's a lot to say about hand of midas, you can benefit amazing from midas or it can go really wrong. There are a couple of things you need to consider:
1. Enemy lineup, are they more late game orientatet/early game orientatet/puhing / ganking, and a big point is let's say you the weaker carry and you go in a farm duell with some other carry or possible 2 other carrys with midas then it's often better to get a couple of early items and stop them from farming plus pushing towers.
2. What purpose you want out of it? One guy mentioned earlyer it's not good to get midas after min 6-10 or so but all who watch a bit of the pro games in dota2 see that midas has been a trend in the last time on heroes like cristal maiden even when they get it only minute 22, then it s mainly to catch up with lvls.
3. Another valid point is the Attack speed which makes it pretty good on carrys like naix or void who can really benefit bigtime from it.

When shouldn't you get midas under no circumstances?
1: when you get no cs on the lane there are plenty of ganker heroes such as tiny, bs etc. and you really need to early hp to survive big dmg spells and you already got ganked 1-2 time. Then the best you can do is stack hp and build into items which are cheap and easy to build such as jango, magic wand str treads or just an extra bracer.
2. When you see enemys got a pushing lineup with for example pugna venom lycan furi or so, since midas doesn't work on necro book anymore which is a huge buff to it. Another story is when there is a chen or an ench in the push then you might consider building 1-2 midas in the team.

I'm mainly talking about cm/cd games or when you play against a stacked team in ap, can't really say if it's a good call in easy mode since i never really played it.


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