Warcraft III username: s0ul_
Realm: west
Situation: banned
Why you should be unbanned: after reading the chatlog this player had intention to join the game submit a ban request before games even over and look for "maphack". not a single fog click. ive vs'd this guy heaps of times all he does it try to smurf and vs me or team kill me / throw what ever u want to call it. wtached the replay and all the times r bluffs the supposed backing off @ 6:50 i have vision of krob and i back off creeps have vision of SD. rest are all backed up with allies in team fights and aggressive playstyle nothing more than this admin "child" singling me out. again not a single fogclick
chatlog says it all
Moderator: ENT Staff
Re: chatlog says it all
the fact that there were no fogclicks and that this kid follows you is irrelevant imo.
Was there a ton of evidence in this game? No, but there were specific instances I pointed out in the ban request that I thought strongly suggest maphack. I'll let another mod review this out of fairness and to provide a second opinion. Maybe I am wrong and missed a few things, who knows. If that is the case then I apologize and you will be unbanned asap.
Was there a ton of evidence in this game? No, but there were specific instances I pointed out in the ban request that I thought strongly suggest maphack. I'll let another mod review this out of fairness and to provide a second opinion. Maybe I am wrong and missed a few things, who knows. If that is the case then I apologize and you will be unbanned asap.
Re: chatlog says it all
At the start of the game that guy is talking about that he dont care if he win or lose i just here to "prove" i maphack. I am a 200tsr dotacash player who plays wtih yuri on ent who is top rank 5, he dosent mh. The person who submited is a 22-23 stat who i 2v1 in top lane that game and cries about a "clockwork maphacker". your apologie dosen't mean anything to me considering you are about to lose 2 good players who are active on the ent bot because i shoot a few rockets in general direction a noob would run back to heal in
Re: chatlog says it all
seeing as how you're ban dodging already and throwing more games for snsdyuri on his alias account of "forjosephstalin" this is pretty irrelevant now.
Banning his accounts now as well
Banning his accounts now as well
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