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Postby snsdyuri » Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:59 am

Warcraft III username: SNSDYuri
Realm: West
Situation: banned for "planting friend"
Why you should be unbanned: So child accuses me of planting a friend to throw to get wins after I have over 1200 games on my account, a majority of which are wins. He said that my friend s0ul_ intentionally fed me those games (about 6 or 7 he says i forgot) and ruined the game, but if you check any of the replays he did not, he just played poorly and didn't want to try cause he was against me and I'm pretty sure every single one of you had games where you didn't wanna try and sucked shit and I'm 100% sure there is nothing in the rules about having to play good just cause ur a good player, like if I go boots run mid autoattack and keep on dieing on my acc does that mean I'm feeding on purpose or ruining game in any way? no I'm sucknig and dieing and being a newb cause I wanna be and there's nothing in the rules stating I can't do that. then he said s0ul_ got banned for mh and ipdodged and i played a game with him okay so what? I can't play with my friends thats against the rules? It's his problem for ipchanging not mines. And in those games I did childish shit he says, ok let me explain dota is about having fun, and we wanted to have fun by running around with a dagon5 on riki getting kills, nothing in the rules says we can't do that. We participated in fights and killed, didn't afk grief or kill items or anything (at least I didn't I dunno about him) so if you're gonna judge me for that lol... And feel free to watch any of those game replay he vs me, he never once fed me intentionally, I even used spells to kill him and he even died in other lanes, AND some of his allies died MORE than he did does that mean they were throwing as well???


Re: SNSDYuri

Postby child » Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:42 am

First off, at the moment you aren't even banned although you should be imo.

Judging by this quote [spoiler=]I'm 100% sure there is nothing in the rules about having to play good just cause ur a good player, like if I go boots run mid autoattack and keep on dieing on my acc does that mean I'm feeding on purpose or ruining game in any way?[/spoiler] u are oblivious as to what game ruining is or just trying to weasel your way out of a situation by trying to find a loophole by arguing that "not trying your best (in his case not trying at all or very little)" is not the same as intentionally ruining a game. How is it any different? Especially done over numerous games, and ONLY when he is on the opposite team from you? Choosing not to try is a CHOICE, and when repeated frequently in a small time span it is 100% certainly the same as choosing to lose the game for your team or at the very least choosing to not make any effort to win. That's bannable.

"I'm sucknig and dieing and being a newb cause I wanna be and there's nothing in the rules stating I can't do that" Uh...???? Not sure if serious

"ok let me explain dota is about having fun, and we wanted to have fun by running around with a dagon5 on riki getting kills," Do you mean dota is about you having fun at the expense of others, and you having fun with dagon 5 on riki getting kills and winning while ur friend feeds and loses? Because that's the reality of it

"he never once fed me intentionally, I even used spells to kill him and he even died in other lanes," Oh really? U actually used ur mana on him? Oh wow that's a big sacrifice that you made there - that must mean u really had to earn that kill. Oh he died to other people than you say? Well then, as long as at least one other guy killed him everything is fine and dandy.

"AND some of his allies died MORE than he did does that mean they were throwing as well???"
No, it doesn't because more than likely they:
a. don't have a friend on the other team
b. aren't nearly as skilled as ur friend and faced with a team with at least one guaranteed feeder
c. are most likely trying their best

Is this a joke?

Aura Tree
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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby snsdyuri » Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:57 am

1.) im better than him and beating him is normal he knows it since i have tons more experience, i rape 90% the players i solo mid against in ent don't believe me? solo me trash i'll wreck u. He died alot so what? how's that a loophole to not try against me cause he knows he can't beat me so he choose to sit back and have fun? I've done that plenty that's not bannable
2.) i got dagon 5 riki and SO DID HE LOOK AT THE STATS U FUCKEN MORON WE BOTH went 20-2 or something look before u fucken speak u dumb illiterate trashcan how the fuck did he feed those games??? tell me 20-2 is feeding now? fucken retard no wonder u cant fucken do a mh ban request properly.
3.) yea i use spells to kill him cause he's in my lane and im gonna fucken try to kill whoevers laning against me, common fucken dota rule scrub? maybe ur just too used to being the shit kid u are to realize it? half the time he didnt even lane vs me or died to me once until way later u gonna say thats my fault too huh? cuz hes against me i planted him? u wanna look at my full game and see how many kids are planted on my team to ensure i lose liek that dagon5 mask of madness witch doctor that tries super fucken hard and gets proper items on luna when he's playing with his friend brock? u think i don't know what u kids do to get me to lose??? i put up with it cause he aint violating any rules.
4.) obviously he's still trying to a fucken extent if he's not dieing as much as them and when ur placed in a shit team ull feed thats the gist of it, go on a team thats 0-12 kid and see how well u do faggot.

Maybe you should go play some actual dota and see what dota is before u even speak cause u seem quite shit at it judging by your logic

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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby matt967 » Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:59 am

theres no need for foul language. that isnt gonna resolve anything


Re: SNSDYuri

Postby Mercy » Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:57 pm

I feel that honestly, if you even want a chance at an appeal, you need to lay off the foul language and insulting of a moderator.

Everything @child says is true, and though I don't play dota, the situation you explain sounds exactly like game ruining. Why wouldn't he try harder to fight against you, even though he knows he won't get very far? It'd be an insta-deny from me for: lack of respect, insulting a moderator, as well as harassment and plenty of crude statements.

!Against and forum warned.

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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby soullife » Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:09 pm

the admin child is taking evreything way out of context, ban me who cares i dont even hack. he only banned me because his friend personal messaged him to ban me blah blah blah. sad to see that the high ranked and legit player on ent bot is getting put threw this because of an admins ego. when i played wtih yuri we faced countless throwers day in and day out smurfs daily, including that "tonyslarks", clan high @ east. ask urself how longs yuri been on ent dota for?


Re: SNSDYuri

Postby Mercy » Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:23 pm

It doesn't matter about loyalty. It matters about who breaks rules, and when they do and it's blatant, we ban them. The only qualities we acknowledge are integrity and respect. It has nothing to do with an ego, I assure you.

Honestly, if you don't play with him on the same team, you shouldn't play with him at all to avoid this. His team is fed by the player dying repeatedly because he doesn't want to try and simply wants to 'have fun' by way of simply dying and pushing whatever. That is what I see, and that is what has been explained. That is game ruining and intentional feeding.

If soul got ipbanned and dodged, he should remain banned, dodging a ban is bannable and it's ridiculous that people don't think it is.

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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby aqf » Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:46 pm


like if I go boots run mid autoattack and keep on dieing on my acc does that mean I'm feeding on purpose or ruining game in any way

This is the most obvious case of intentional feeding under ENT rules and you get up to a 2 week ban for it.

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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby nabo. » Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:29 pm

Whether there will be a ban placed upon snsdyuri, I do not know yet.
Feeding or multiboxing seem pretty obvious.
We will finalize our evaluation once replays are available.
Till then, snsdyuri will stay unbanned.

Yuri is currently not banned, therefore, no reason for this appeal to stay up.

Clan High@useast

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Re: SNSDYuri

Postby matdas » Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:46 pm

Off topic:
unable to read or write.
"his parents were illiterate"
synonyms: unable to read or write, unlettered More
ignorant in a particular subject or activity.
"the extent to which voters are politically illiterate"
synonyms: ignorant, unknowledgeable, unenlightened, uneducated, unschooled, untaught, untutored, untrained, uninstructed, uninformed, unread, unlearned; More
uncultured or poorly educated.
"the ignorant, illiterate town council"
(esp. of a piece of writing) showing a lack of education, esp. an inability to read or write well.
noun: illiterate; plural noun: illiterates
a person who is unable to read or write.

Before you go judging other people, you by far are more illiterate than most people. Try using real words instead of letters, try capitalizing "I" when it is alone, and use real words; "Ganna" is not a real word. Before you try to insult people on their own reading or more appropriately, their writing skills, please work on your own.[/spoiler]

Just a for your information: Throwing games on purpose, or boosting your stats, through the way where you have a friend intentionally throw games may result in a stats wipe. Don't like it? Cry about it. We wont care. And you know who would most likely cause that to happen? Me. Don't believe me? Ask flowersnow.

Soul_ is banned for map hacking. Now he is banned for dodging. Guess what? He will stay banned. As for you, you get off with a small ban for game ruining by planting feeders. The games are meant to be played correctly, in accordance to a players skill that reflect their stats. If you go into a game and decide you want to lose, that is game ruining. If you go middle and keep dying to tower for no help, not trying, or whatever, that has no benefit to the game whatsoever, it is game ruining.

snsdyuri wrote:1.) im better than him and beating him is normal he knows it since i have tons more experience, i rape 90% the players i solo mid against in ent don't believe me? solo me trash i'll wreck u. He died alot so what? how's that a loophole to not try against me cause he knows he can't beat me so he choose to sit back and have fun? I've done that plenty that's not bannable
2.) i got dagon 5 riki and SO DID HE LOOK AT THE STATS U FUCKEN MORON WE BOTH went 20-2 or something look before u fucken speak u dumb illiterate trashcan how the fuck did he feed those games??? tell me 20-2 is feeding now? fucken retard no wonder u cant fucken do a mh ban request properly.
3.) yea i use spells to kill him cause he's in my lane and im gonna fucken try to kill whoevers laning against me, common fucken dota rule scrub? maybe ur just too used to being the shit kid u are to realize it? half the time he didnt even lane vs me or died to me once until way later u gonna say thats my fault too huh? cuz hes against me i planted him? u wanna look at my full game and see how many kids are planted on my team to ensure i lose liek that dagon5 mask of madness witch doctor that tries super fucken hard and gets proper items on luna when he's playing with his friend brock? u think i don't know what u kids do to get me to lose??? i put up with it cause he aint violating any rules.
4.) obviously he's still trying to a fucken extent if he's not dieing as much as them and when ur placed in a shit team ull feed thats the gist of it, go on a team thats 0-12 kid and see how well u do faggot.

Maybe you should go play some actual dota and see what dota is before u even speak cause u seem quite shit at it judging by your logic

1. No one cares.
2. Again no one cares.
3. Congrats you know how to use spells. Yes try to kill them, but if you do so in a way that gets you killed every time, its game ruining. If people are planting, so be it. Erase your stats, become a "shitty...scrub"
4. Obviously he isn't trying at all. Maybe we should put a "faggot" like you on a team of all 0-12 and see how you do...

Maybe you should get off your high horse, you are lucky you still keep your stats. Judging by your logic, your ignorance how what rules are is baffling the rest of us. We deal with so much bullshit that it piles up. When one upset player comes here, its not the end of the world for us.

But the moment you insult us, when you yourself is beneath even those insults, you really think we will unban you?
We are here to make this community have a FUN and FAIR gaming experience. If you cannot abide by the rules, then you have no place here. That goes for your friend soul_ as well.

With this, the appeal is processed.

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