[DOTA] goodgame@uswest

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[DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby VirusHunter » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:49 am

Your Warcraft III username: VirusHunter
Violator's Warcraft III username: GoodGame
Game name or map name: dota
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=3281056
Rule player violated: intentional game ruin.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): watch first 10 min you will see
Any further thoughts:
this guy for no reason at all just started trolling from square one. for no reason at all decided he was going to throw this game. he was giving their carry advice trying to do whatever he could to make them win. he was even casting his spell that does damage to his allies to kill them. he wouldnt let me solo mid. he went top, died to sven. comes back goes back top, dies to sven again. after all his deaths he would yell yes or get more beefy. clear indicator he was feeding on purpose. the other team refused to kick. i think he was a plant for sven. check the chat logs you will see. sven clearly was working with his buttbuddy. please ban sven for 7 days for planting his buddy. and all other scourge who didnt vote.
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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby Webefat » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:02 am

I was the WR. BS fed me once in mid, which was confusing and unncessary, but after that he left lane and didn't come back. for the next 10 minutes i heard a lot of whining from SEntinel so i asked my teammates if BS was feeding. They said no, invoker just being a dick.

Given that invoker had been trash talking which caused me to !ignore not even 10 minutes in, this wans't a stretch. Perhaps if Virushunter realizes that not being a douchebag in every game could work in his favour he would change his behaviour, but probably not since he's been this way for years.

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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby VirusHunter » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:06 am

maybe if you werent a goddamn retard and watched the replay your self and saw the things BS actually did instead of just spectating and being an asshole. k thx

dont keep posting on this thread. you obviously have nothing important to say relative to this topic. peace bish
Last edited by VirusHunter on Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby Webefat » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:08 am

Stay classy, and keep wondering why opponents won't votekick for you.

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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby Webefat » Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:49 am

Actually you requested a ban on everyone who didn't vote for BS, and that includes me. My argument is that BS didn't even have the worst score in the game. good luck proving "intentional feed" and "planting" - sometimes players are just bad, and other times they don't like assholes like you on the team flaming them.

Your replay won't show it but you also ragequit right before a rax defence which removed any chance of your team coming back to win.


Keep posting rage ban requests without ever acknowledging that you are part of the problem.

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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby VirusHunter » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:47 am

actually tard i got dropped. but thats here nor there. the fact is moron, if you read chat or actually watch replay you will see. k now sit down and let the adults handle this.

Stay classy, and keep wondering why opponents won't votekick for you.

has nothing to do with this topic. or anything for that matter. just some rage kid trying to stir trouble. GL HOMESLICE

also when this is done, im expecting a formal apology from you. k thx bye ^^
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Re: [DOTA] goodgame@uswest

Postby child » Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:48 am

Given his attitude id say its pretty clear he was int ruining the game.
6 mins feeds we mid no reason, no chance of winning the fight
750 feeds to Sven, again with no chance after he is stunned runs around with like 30 hp till Sven last hits him
10:55 runs into 3 enemies solo clearly doesn't care he dies.
11:50 same thing, and upon re spawn doesn't go top where he has vision of several low hp heroes but goes bot and does nothing

I won't be banning them for not vote kicking, although i definitely could (scourge players consider yourselves lucky), as he was kind of making it look like he was trying (denying using occasional spell) and just a noob. but its pretty clear when watching replay and seeing chat he was throwing.

Goodgame@west banned 10 days for game ruining / feeding and trolling

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