supersexyy wrote:There is a system that many games use some sort of variation of, which can help alleviate this problem, it is somewhat along the lines of what eldryan suggests.
Basically new players start at an elo level say 800, but they have a pool of 200 elo. Each time they win a game that individual receives double elo (taken from the pool) until the pool is zero.
This is similar to eldryans suggestion but is more streamlined.
this might not work well if they get higher elo then they deserve from winning with high elo players. scaling would be more complicated for it if you wanted to scale the amount the "pool" gives after a certain elo (if they are 900 and getting 30 per win, mb a problem). i recommended 800 (or higher if ppl are emphatic on the matter) because I think that's where they start out at, :S
both suggestions are much better then current imo.