Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

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Moderator: Oversight Staff

Should ELO be removed from Battleships?

Yes, remove ELO in lobby/game as measurement (will still be accessible via command and website).
No, keep the ELO system as it is.
Total votes: 17

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby nabo. » Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:03 pm

All in all, please do not make a suggestion regarding anti-stacking, unless u got some technical way to prevent stacking. Seriously, if there was a match making system, no one would make excuses like "you stackers"... We do best with the bot and old blizzard system we got. This is classic debate you guys been having about elo and stacking has been addressed many many tume and there has not been any concrete solution.

Honestly, if u cannot increase ur low elo, it simply means u r a noob. Win games and u will naturally win elo.

I have not heard or seen battleship pros active on forum or ingame trying to teach others...So if u wish to carry ur community and improve the general pub's skill base, you gotta do some homework rather than smart talk at each other.

An autobal bot has been implemented, so play on it and get the bot active. If not, all these talks were futile. Lets see wat u guys got.
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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby uakf.b » Sun Jun 15, 2014 9:47 pm

So do people like the autobalance so far?
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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby Win3 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:46 am


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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby L1ghtniNG » Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:41 am

I completely agree with drewisfat, as me myself being a veteran of sorts of battleships pro, playing it for 6 years, i think the shuffle will help newer players to not be compelled to leave because of uneven teams. and btw I MISS THE INHOUSES WE USED TO HAVE

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby mich_vee » Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:11 pm

uakf.b wrote:So do people like the autobalance so far?

Nope. Does not fix it at all. Akas join game considered as "noob" because they don't have elo so they get stacked vs normal players with elo who gets the shittiest noobs. It does not balance at all.

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby uakf.b » Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:57 pm

L1ghtniNG wrote:I completely agree with drewisfat, as me myself being a veteran of sorts of battleships pro, playing it for 6 years, i think the shuffle will help newer players to not be compelled to leave because of uneven teams. and btw I MISS THE INHOUSES WE USED TO HAVE

It does do autobalance already, so...
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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby 13o0]V[ » Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:39 pm

Guys before u jump to a newbee suggestion like autobalance , once u got autobalance u cant even play clan vs clan are you guys thinking . Stop crying and aka'ing and disck hacking autobalance is just for ffa . THINK about clan battles newbees ......

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby 13o0]V[ » Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:44 pm

for those guys cant even be solid on a clan chill dudes , be solid and dont break off clan , auto balancing on clan battle lmao we will wait for the right peeps so we can battle hahahaha cmon now chillax . RELAX as what we say ........ and to the admins learn to play bships before you can say anything ...... or talk to clan leaders in regards to bship not to a wana bee good .....

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby uakf.b » Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:07 pm

If you want to do a 5v5 clan battle, then you should obviously use the public hosting system. The autohost bots are meant for public games.
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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby drewisfat » Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:19 am

Thanks to the admins and uakf.b for the speedy response and implementing the trial.

For the record I was just suggesting shuffled teams, but I don't mind trying to autobalance it with ELO, I just kinda figured that would be too much work to bother with :lol:

It's true that brand new players (or akas) can cause problems with this system. But it was also true before, and is inherently true in all ELO systems. The only solution is to somehow ignore players' ELO if less than a certain number of games played. That said it's a relatively small problem probably not worth the effort of solving.

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby Daci-Wild » Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:05 pm

First and foremost, I would like to thank for posting a Battleships Pro bot so Battleship players have a game running 24-7. This was a wonderful gesture on the part of

Second, the issue of pointing fingers at clans as the problem has been around a long time. Since the beginning of WarcraftIII I remember players were unhappy that some players would ban together to improve there chance of winning in team games. That is why presented the opportunity to form clans. My thought is that clans should (as in the past) create their own bots so that they can have their friends, and fellow clan members(stacked teams as some like to put it) on the same team. I have been a clan member pretty much since the beginning of It is fine not to be a clan member. Clans are a place for friends and good players to congregate, improve their skills, and learn how to get better at the games they like. So please don't blame the clans, as they are just doing what designed the system to do.

Lastly, the shuffle (Auto-balance) seems to work for the Battleships Crossfire bots and many other bots, why can't it work for the [ent] Battleship Pro bot. Entgaming has put a bot out there for our enjoyment, all of the Battleshippers should stop whining:(, and play. Stop pointing fingers and get on with the shipping:).

Once again entgaming, thank you for creating a bot that so many can enjoy. I realize this is your business, but I (as many others) do appreciate your efforts.


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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby Dyno98 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:55 am

I think there should at least be an option to disable the auto reshuffle based on the players in the game. Even if I wanted to play with 1 friend, I almost certainly can not because of the ELO rebalance. The rebalance helps make the game fair, but it does not prevent leaving and then defers others that have played but can no longer play with their friends. I have noticed that the games are actually taking longer to fill now because of this as well.

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby Stealer » Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:12 pm

@uakf.b how long is the trial for?

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby tom_b » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:08 pm

bump, when is the trial period over?
games seem to be filling more slowly since the feature was introduced, and theres currently nothing to stop people from simply leaving the game lobby if they are autobalanced against someone they don't wanna play.

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Re: Battleships Drama/Suggestions Explanation

Postby aRt)Y » Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:45 am

tom_b wrote:against someone they don't wanna play.

The reason of that being?
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