[ID] cr4zyf[o.o]l id

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[ID] cr4zyf[o.o]l id

Postby TooNoobForU » Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:35 am

Your Warcraft III username:
Violator's Warcraft III username: cr4zyf[o.o]l
Game name or map name:
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/replay/view_repla ... 990476.w3g
Rule player violated: afk as titan
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): more then 5 mins
Any further thoughts: https://entgaming.net/customstats/islan ... e/3723894/

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Re: [ID] cr4zyf[o.o]l id

Postby CurryMuncher » Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:43 am

Was about to report this, I was too slow

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Re: [ID] cr4zyf[o.o]l id

Postby Nat » Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:19 am

Please don't ban me it wasn't intentional ;o I went to go grab some wood for the fire and i afked as soon as a joined not realising i joined as titan... i know i should have left or at least seen if i got titan but i was in a hurry
Most people call me: C4
Before Nat anyways...

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Re: [ID] cr4zyf[o.o]l id

Postby nabo. » Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:36 pm

@CR4ZY feel free to post an appeal.

[spoiler=relevant chat](06:05 / Allied) Shltsinyourshoe: !votekick cr4
(06:05 / All) twee: A votekick against player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L] has been started by player [Shltsinyourshoe]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to
(06:05 / All) twee: Type !yes to vote.
(06:05 / All) twee: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(06:08 / All) Shltsinyourshoe: please
(06:09 / All) NoodleS0up: !yes
(06:09 / All) twee: Player [NoodleS0up] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:09 / Allied) ToastyBagel: !yes
(06:09 / All) twee: Player [ToastyBagel] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:11 / All) Shltsinyourshoe: !yes
(06:13 / Allied) Seahorse1: !yes
(06:13 / All) twee: Player [Seahorse1] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:15 / Allied) icecoolMR: !yes
(06:15 / All) twee: Player [icecoolMR] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:20 / Allied) icecoolMR: who wont people kick
(06:22 / Allied) icecoolMR: like literally
(06:23 / All) ClubSoda: me
(06:23 / Allied) ToastyBagel: teal
(06:27 / Allied) Shltsinyourshoe: green
(06:27 / All) NoodleS0up: !yes
(06:33 / Allied) Shltsinyourshoe: lb
(06:34 / Allied) rosko562: what
(06:38 / Allied) icecoolMR: green
(06:38 / Allied) ToastyBagel: rifk
(06:39 / Allied) ToastyBagel: rofl
(06:40 / Allied) icecoolMR: type !yes
(06:41 / Allied) ClubSoda: lol
(06:45 / Allied) icecoolMR: hola
(06:45 / Allied) rosko562: !yes
(06:45 / All) twee: Player [rosko562] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:51 / Allied) bigbox95: !yes
(06:51 / All) twee: Player [bigbox95] voted to kick player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(06:55 / Allied) twee: !yes
(06:55 / All) twee: A votekick against player [Cr4zYf[O.o]L] has passed.
(06:55 / All) twee: Cr4zYf[O.o]L was kicked by vote.
(06:55 / QUIT) Cr4zYf[O.o]L: Left[/spoiler]

cr4zyf[o.o]l@useast banned 3 days for afk.
Clan High@useast

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