[DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

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Forest Walker
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[DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

Postby argulle » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:14 pm

Your Warcraft III username: Argulle
Violator's Warcraft III username: Flaxen, Majs, hestarn + those in sentinel who refused to kick
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA apem euro #16
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/3814290/
Rule player violated: Fake accounts, trolling, feeding, game ruin, blocking kick, blocking ff. Perm ban these troll-accounts please.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): Whole game. Yes. Over 35 deaths on purpose.
Any further thoughts: Perm ban, please...!

Allright, honestly, throughout the game they suicide and ruin the game.

They start with trying to votekick me in the lobby, then a few more times during the game, as well as blocking FF and votekick when they ruin the game.
Im not sure if Rexxar (Hestarn) is a friend with Majs and Flaxen, but Flaxen and Majs are obviously friends.

I have no idea what amount you want:

min 1 replay time you can see how mortred goes bot with his mate flaxen, just to change his way to go mid, as he noticed me calling it. He does this soly to ruin the game.

around 1.45 i politely asks him to leave the lane, but he starts to troll "u mad" etc

2.40 venge and lucy engages rexxar. Rexxar has a huge window to escape in, but he starts walking back and forth, eventually towards them, stunned and dies (feed

min 4.30 nevermore charges towards the two enemies, instead of even trying to back, he gets stunned and dies, now they have earned around 1000 gold in less than 3 minutes.'

5.45 rexxar doesnt use any of his four (????) heals, he instead charges lucy with his 200 hp, stunned and dies, another feed.
Shortly after, nevermore leaves the safetly with about 50% Hp and engages both lucy and his creeps, the following chase ends in his death after lucys greed.

at 6.30 he starts to flame and instead of actually playing when we get ganked, he lets his hero autoattack the ganker tuskarr, giving tusk a freekill.
i decide its enough for a votekick.

His friend nevermore quickly says "!no" and blocks the votekick.

7.40 rexxar fights a single creep as venge hits him again and again, then with a stun and lasthit, rexxar dies again

At this point nevermore joins his friend mortred to troll me on mid lane, he then charges uphill just to feed again.

8.30 mortred is solo against creeps and two fed enemies. He doesnt go back, he goes forward, getting hit a few times, and almost survives. He notices how he almost survices and stops for a split second, to give destro enough time to finish him off.

Nevermore too feeds them here.

Notice 9.40. We have just been ganked by DD-Tusk who kills rexxar. Im chased and meet my friend mortred here. Mortred even walks into the enemy. He doesnt use slow or anything. Just goes way past safety do give tusk another freekill, at thier tower and starts another unfair votekick against me.

10.45 mortred charges bot lane to die again.
11.00 nevermore feeds again.

12.00 mortred charges towards roshan or destro to feed again

at 13.00 we try to ff, mort and nevermore BFF blocks it

13.55 mortred charges top lane engaging an enemy way stronger than him and does what? Dies.

nevermore is farming extremly visible with very low hp, quickly dies too, giving tusk more feed.

Forest Walker
Posts: 164
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:53 pm

Re: [DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

Postby argulle » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:18 pm

14.15 replay time, rexxar solofarms in mid, lucy and destro finishes our tower (= they are very visible) but rexxar doesnt move, and lets them walk up and kill him.
Seconds later, nevermore and mortred charges up against said enemies just to die too.
Notice how mortred doesnt get killed at first, so he goes towards lucy to make sure to tease him so much he does kill him.

As nevermore spawns the seconds after this, he sees silencer getting fucked, he too wants to get killed, so he walks up to them and dies.


from here on the trio just charges out of fountain and dies and die and die and die.

this is what i ment by "whole game"

If anyone other than child or nabo can check this report, id appriciate it. I dont believe it will be fairly checked otherwise.

Aura Tree
Posts: 40
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Re: [DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

Postby Rashinator » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:30 pm

didnt watch replay but 0-17 0-14 0-10... if thats not feed then i dont know what is

Forest Walker
Posts: 164
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:53 pm

Re: [DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

Postby argulle » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:31 pm

Rashinator wrote:didnt watch replay but 0-17 0-14 0-10... if thats not feed then i dont know what is

Watch the replay and enjoy yourself. Thats more than some of the admins bothered to do atleast :)

They fucked up this game well and good, now its almost amusing to see what kind of booring life people have, that they have to troll around like that =)


Re: [DOTA] Dota Northrend. Flaxen, majs, hestarn etc

Postby BouncingHitman » Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:09 pm

Following players have received a 7 day ban for grieving:
- flaxen@europe.battle.net
- hestarn@europe.battle.net
- Majs@europe.battle.net

Sylvestro@europe.battle.net has received a 5 day ban for refusal to kick a game griever.

Thank you for reporting,

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