[DOTA] hazedream@useast

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[DOTA] hazedream@useast

Postby shamanpowers » Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:50 am

Your Warcraft III username: scron2
Violator's Warcraft III username: hazedream@useast
Game name or map name: [ENT] DotA ap us/ca #9
Stats page link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=3868344
Rule player violated: Refusal to votekick a player who was AFK over 5 minutes.
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): 19:39-35:01
Any further thoughts: hazedream is in the impression that he isnt in any infraction whatsoever. Or that if he is going to be banned it won't happen at all or if it is it won't be significant.

The parse:
http://replay.garena.ro/view_replay.php ... 988164.w3g

Take for example this primary trolling comment he makes in regards to the AFK player:
(22:38) Hazedream: If he is truely afk
(22:42) Hazedream: He will be able for kick in 5 minutes

(23:28) Hazedream: In that case, report him after game.
Actually no, for making such a comment the only person getting submitted on is the person standing in the way of what otherwise could have been a playable game!

(26:57) Hazedream: Scron, you have ZERO power over bans
(27:07) Hazedream: And you dont like that

Hazedream is cocky as fuck and he would like you to know it too I guess. Hazedream is saying if I submit this that he won't get banned basically. Just look at his next comment:

(27:48) Hazedream: Try your luck

(29:05) Hazedream: Haha
(29:11) Hazedream: You're so angry

And finally:

(31:51) Hazedream: Keep dreaming kid
(32:25) Hazedream: You cant touch me, and you dont like that.

So the question is... with all these comments coming from a player in such a manner are you going to give him 1 day, 3 days or a week or what? It's one thing to dismiss a potential ban but to rub it in your faces is another thing now itsn't it? Hazedream knew he was breaking a rule, a minor one at that but Hazedream's words speak louder than his inaction to votekick the player.

Hazedream has played 5 games as that name, he is no stranger to the game with stats like those. And he knows full well that what he is doing is wrong. So tell me this, are you goona let him get away with it? Or are you going to ban him on par with players who don't exhibit the same amount of trolling and manners that depict their actions as unbannable? Obviously he wouldn't say those kinds of things unless he had the expectation that he wouldn't be banned right? You decide.
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Re: [DOTA] hazedream@useast

Postby child » Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:34 pm

Sounds like ur just mad at this one person. U don't even bother to report specifically the other people who didnt' vote or the actual offender??? :?

Whatever, seems crystal clear to me everyone should have voted. He was fountain for over 20 mins.

b-ronin banned 14 days for afk griefing / game ruining

hazedream@east, sergio1322@euro, calz12ily@west each banned 4 days for refusal to vk.

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