[/spoiler][Akitos]: can u go down
[ltd.godlik3]: d.4x
[Akitos]: pls?
[Akitos]: fast
[D.4.X.]: !scores
[ltd.godlik3]: can u down
[ltd.godlik3]: plz
[Akitos]: pls
[ltd.godlik3]: plz down
[pink_unicorn]: purp go down pls
[ltd.godlik3]: d4x
[Echo]: Please
[Akitos]: d.4.x down plz
[Echo]: purple
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. (www.clanent.net)
[pink_unicorn]: echo so slow
[Echo]: LOL
[Echo]: not that slow
[ltd.godlik3]: !votekick d.4
[System]: A votekick against player [D.4.X.] has been started by player [ltd.godlik3]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
[System]: Type !yes to vote.
[System]: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. (www.clanent.net)
[ltd.godlik3]: yes
[Echo]: !yes
[System]: Player [Echo] voted to kick player [D.4.X.]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
[Akitos]: !yes
[System]: Player [Akitos] voted to kick player [D.4.X.]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
[pink_unicorn]: !yes
[System]: Player [pink_unicorn] voted to kick player [D.4.X.]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
[System]: *** player [Affederkackt] has joined the game
[System]: [Affederkackt@europe.battle.net] has played 440 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 1477.89). W/L: 308/132.
[System]: *** player [karottenpsycho] has joined the game
[System]: [karottenpsycho@europe.battle.net] has played 109 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 997.96). W/L: 48/61.
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[Affederkackt]: !scores
[ltd.godlik3]: can someone type !yes
[Akitos]: !yes
[ltd.godlik3]: plz
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[Echo]: !scores
[Echo]: type !yes
[Affederkackt]: well balance
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[System]: Waiting to start until players have been pinged: Affederkackt, karottenpsycho
[pink_unicorn]: !yes
[pink_unicorn]: !scores
[Affederkackt]: !yes
[System]: Player [Affederkackt] voted to kick player [D.4.X.]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: karottenpsycho
[ltd.godlik3]: !yes
[pink_unicorn]: 1 more pls
[ltd.godlik3]: plz
[ltd.godlik3]: someone
[pink_unicorn]: gogo!
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .
[System]: 8. . .
[System]: 7. . .
[System]: 6. . .
[pink_unicorn]: gogogogogogogogogogogogo
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: 4. . .
[System]: 3. . .
[System]: 2. . .
[System]: *** player [Affederkackt] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Countdown aborted!
[System]: A votekick against player [D.4.X.] has been cancelled.