As some of you know, I'm working with a team on Legion TD 2, a free-to-play standalone game that is the sequel to Legion TD, which I created.
I think a lot of ENT Legion TD players have some awesome ideas for gameplay, and I'd like to hear them. Currently, I've been chatting with some people over Skype or BNet to get ideas, but I think a forum would be a better idea since then we could all talk together and openly.
So, do you think we could make a Legion TD 2 subforum for this discussion?
I'd prefer if someone else moderates it--I'm happy to just be a member so I can work on the game full-time.
Also a little more about the game: I formed a small team, and we pooled together our savings & have been working on this non-stop since the beginning of this year, so it's a serious project (we all turned down multiple job offers at big tech companies). Making good progress, but still a long way to go! I can share more about it if anyone is interested.
