The Arachnid is both complicated and unique. He feigns being a run-of-the-mill baser, but in order to utilize Arachnid correctly, you must see through the ruse. You must amass as much gold as possible to reveal Arachnid's true purpose: The Egg Sac. The Egg Sac to Arachnid is alike the cocoon to Foss or Ancestral Rage to Tauren. The Egg Sac is the ace in the hole. No matter the level, damage, or armor of the titan, the mighty Egg Sac(s) will stop him and his minion in his tracks and send him running back to the mound trembling with a severe case of arachnophobia.
[spoiler=]This was entirely satirical. Lately I've been seeing many topics about who is the best builder, so I wanted to try something different. Can anyone do better?[/spoiler]