Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

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Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby SmartAss » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:10 pm

Warcraft III username: Imperator_Mundi
Realm: &
Situation: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse should not be allowed. I want an unbiased judgement from several other admins other than Mariah who is the one who banned me. I clearly stated that I followed by ent rules and Mariah has contradicted what the rules have stated according to ENTgaming:Rules. Just because I'm calling an admin out for possible abuse does not mean this is the case they may not be aware of the rules that votekick may be initiated but is up to other players to decide. Please check my first appeal for further information I addressed on this matter.
Why you should be unbanned: As said before I did not break any rules. I also stated that in the game I played with ileavetoomuch I built my towers where I was allowed and blue built his towers after me and kept telling me to sell when he could have simply built elsewhere. Check the replay. the evidence speaks for itself. I don't want Mariah to reply to this because Mariah is biased and may have ill will against me for calling them out on admin abuse and may have a biased opinion because of this. I always play by the rules 100% of the time and I want abusers to be reprimanded.


Re: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby Mercy » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:14 pm

I do not have ill will towards anyone.

You have attempted in to votekick low elo players in several games IN LOBBY for no other reason than they were low ELO.
It is not "up to other players to decide" if the player is low elo, themselves. It is bannable to kick them. I am tired of the votekick abuse, and I'm banning for it.

I am not, nor will I ever be, biased.

You need to learn the lesson that you cannot votekick players for no reason, unless they are

1) lagging excessively to the point it is almost halting game play
2) Player has sold towers and ruined the game in that way

Otherwise, it is bannable to kick, and yet you keep doing it.

After watching the replay, you continued to build close to blue instead of building nearer to your own spawn after he repeatedly stated solo, even further on.

Screenshot had to be taken from phone since my screenshot didn't want to work, but you built incredibly close to BLUE'S spawn after he said Solo. So, yes, your ban is justified.

Denied, stop spamming appeals.
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Basic Tree
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:12 pm

Re: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby SmartAss » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:38 pm

It is true that I have initiated votekick but not because of low elo. ENT rules state that I'm allowed to initiate votekick if i believe they are new or are refusing to learn but is ultimately up to the majority to decide to kick. Yes it is true that it is bannable to kick low elo players but I'm not an Admin and i can't kick a player out of lobby. It would be wrong to kick someone out of lobby without abiding by rules and without majority approval. I don't mind playing with low elo players. Sometimes I check stats as well to see what their stay rate and from time to time can be very low. That alone speaks volume. There's nothing more to argue with you Mariah. I apologize if I have offended you in any way but I'm bringing the facts to the table and I want you to know that I believe everyone, including you, should abide by the rules. It's not like you are on trial Mariah. You may not have ill will against anyone and you may not be biased but I believe everyone should abide by the rules.

Basic Tree
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Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:12 pm

Re: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby SmartAss » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:42 pm

I also viewed the screen shot. The polar and the ice troll that I built were there prior to blue building towards my units. I submit a motion for appeal because if you watch the replay blue kept building into my towers after I asked him not to.


Re: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby Mercy » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:48 pm

Why do you keep making this about me? .

smartass wrote:It is true that I have initiated votekick but not because of low elo.
[System]: [] has played 157 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 811.52). W/L: 55/102.
[Imperator_Mundi]: !scores
[DZTerror]: !scores
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (
[bigsip]: !votekick td
[System]: A votekick against player [td1314] has been started by player [bigsip]. 4 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
[System]: Type !yes to vote.
[System]: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
[Imperator_Mundi]: !yes
[System]: Player [Imperator_Mundi] voted to kick player [td1314]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
Low Elo
[System]: *** player [Korgoth] has joined the game
[System]: [] has played 375 Legion TD Mega games here (ELO: 705.14). W/L: 131/244.

[System]: A votekick against player [Korgoth] has been started by player [Imperator_Mundi]. 5 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
[System]: Type !yes to vote.
[System]: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
[Imperator_Mundi]: !yes

smartass wrote:ENT rules state that I'm allowed to initiate votekick if i believe they are new


smartass wrote:Yes it is true that it is bannable to kick low elo players but I'm not an Admin and i can't kick a player out of lobby. It would be wrong to kick someone out of lobby without abiding by rules and without majority approval.

Doesn't matter as far as low elo kicking goes. Votekick abuse encompasses this, as lobby kicks are always unprecedented unless the player is ban dodging.

Blue built in his spawn, which he was in his rights to do. You, however, did not move your towers and his towers were pulled by YOUR towers which were close to HIS lane after you refused to move YOUR towers from close to HIS lane after he said SOLO at level 1.

smartass wrote:I believe everyone, including you, should abide by the rules.

You have stated this twice, but..

YOU do not abide by rules:

matdas attempt votekick on low elo in lobby Update: GID:3097978 (game ruining) 6 Mar 2014 01:00:00 EST 8 Mar 2014 03:30:05 EST Expired

I am abiding and enforcing rules as a moderator, and you need to understand that you break rules almost constantly. Your ban history speaks volumes.


Re: Admin Abuse & Ban Abuse

Postby bit » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:49 pm

SmartAss wrote:ENT rules state that I'm allowed to initiate votekick if i believe they are new.

Re-read the rules while i'm reviewing this case.

I always play by the rules 100% of the time and I want abusers to be reprimanded.

this is also untrue. you have alot of bans in your history, like game ruining and so on.

EDIT: i only reviewed this game (building on blue area without his agreement). this one game grants you atleast 5 days for game ruining, you built GoD on purpose at blue's side @ level 5.

i suggest you stop wasting mod's time and trying to accuse them of bias. like seriously, get real, and admit that you broke rules, stop this naive crap. your appeal is denied, and you should wait out your time and rethink some things.

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