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Postby MarshMallows » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:05 am

Just wanted to upload some more games and get some more feedback asap.

I have started legion very recently and played almost all games as cross and tbh I became a very strong cross player. I know that is not allowed in lihl but that was what I was taught when I was new. The fact that I got so good at it proves I can learn and that I can be a smart player.

Now recently I have been watching your games and trying to solo the best I can.

I am getting some training from one of the lihl players.

Please be objective and offer all the feed back you can.

I kinda see how solo is the essence of legion and how cross is in bad taste (although in pub I am totally gone cross in future)

The last time I posted replays I waited over a week for any real feedback and I had to pm people to get it. I may not be the best soloer, but there is a reason for that and there is no reason I cant become a great soloer.

I just need some help and guidance.
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Re: hello

Postby godlik3 » Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:33 am

Solo lane with aqua archers and mutants r all easy to do.....

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Re: hello

Postby Diablo_ » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:17 am

Moving this thread as this is (hopefully) no vouch request.
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Re: hello

Postby GoatsBeGone » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:43 am

You upload 3 replayes, aqua mutan and archer? What feedback you want? Gj playing easy units. Everybody who plays can be a strong cross builder towers and the path the game takes decides this. With feed ect. However we dont play cross in lihl so... no solo → no lihl. Doesnt matter if you are capable of learning when you dont know how to play solo. And do not upload aqua or archer or mutant .. doesnt show your capable of anything.

Ps. I didnt watch the replays but if you are the type who need feedback on those types of units you are not lihl material
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Re: hello

Postby Diablo_ » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:08 pm

Don't be so negative please, he just wants feedback to improve :)
If you don't like it just don't post ^.^
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Re: hello

Postby GoatsBeGone » Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:37 pm

What is negative in the post I made? He ask for feed back, he got it, I watched replays. First replay over build with mortars on lvl 1 3v4. Game is 3v4 no reason to watch rest. second game standard aqua game. Gj.

If you seek feedback then why add replays with units like that? Its nothing to do with being negative, but everyone who apply for Lihl should know how to build certain units and those should be in top 3.

So what feedback is it he seeks from this? An opinion of his level? How can we judge that upon those replays. You can atleast upload some replays where you made an effort and succeded with units that arent "1st class"
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Re: hello

Postby MarshMallows » Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:23 pm

Because I have no experience of playing any solo units. As you know cross is very prevalent on the ent server right now so that is what I was taught when I started playing there. I am also new in general to wc3 and legion. They are easy to play for people who have been playing for years or who have been taught how to play them. I have had one lesson with Archol in which none of the units in the replays above were discussed. I don't know how you expect new people to get better without offering them useful feedback. Surely you want the most competitors possible.

In reply to your mortars qualm, the advice to build 2 engineers in front and 2 upped engineers behind was advice from lihl players and no this is not a vouch request, I am looking to see where I can improve, yes, even with aquas, mortars and archers.

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Re: hello

Postby Krumme » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:12 pm

Alan what we are trying to say to you is that you shouldn't apply to LIHL if you are a rookie - take the time to learn, to make mistakes and improve by yourself
Yes we could guide you but the process of you thinking for yourself is much more important than knowing how to go 7/3 with aquas pre lvl 7
I don't mind you posting these threads here but I advice you not to apply for LIHL until you know you can think out of the box, for yourself, in case of horrible towers and still recover

If you are a cross player then stop crossing in public games, take the time need to learn for your self instead of expecting us to tell you step by step of what to do - we do not seek players that needs to be taught everything - we seek players that can improve by themselves and think for themselves

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Re: hello

Postby GoatsBeGone » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:17 pm

Well then.

lvl 1, 2 mortars. Holds If no warrios, you can do 2/3 small infront and hold warriors
lvl 2, 3 mortars. Holds, normally only leak furb, ofc can happend you leak depends on splash. But It holds pretty much every time.
lvl 3, 5 mortars, also pretty much holds, can happend you leak bloodorc or more, but 5 mortars does the job normally
lvl 4, 6 mortars, If placed right it holds
after that you are free to do what ever you want

lvl 1, 3/4 aquas - 3 aquas hold but makes you vounable and pretty much dead if warriors, hard to recover. I go 4 Aquas here 10 out of 10 times
lvl 2, 5/6 aquas - same goes for this lvl, if no sends on 1 a furbolg will demolish you here if you went only 5 aquas.
lvl 3, 8/9 aquas - 8 aquas hold this lvl, sometimes even with bloodorc, however again, I prefer better save then sorry, so if no sends before 3 i go 9 aquas and clean up, also a good idear if you for some reason gets double send.
lvl 4, no need to build, youll hold
lvl 5, i do 11 aquas, 1-4-4-2, sometimes hold, smetimes leak
lvl 6, no need to build, sometimes hold, sometimes leak

Archers there is 3 way to do it from lvl 1-3, I will just give you standard
lvl 1, 1 archers
lvl 2, 1 archers + 1 small
lvl 3, 2 archers
lvl 4, 2 archers + 1 small
lvl 5, 3 archers
lvl 6, 3 archers
lvl 7, 4 archers
all on a row on wall

as i said there is different ways to play archers, you can go 5/2 and 5 archers for 7, you can go different in the begining to counter and hold send better. you can do less on 5 and still hold but 1000 ways to play, archers, if you want some screen shots tell me and ill pm them. but you can easy find replays with mortars and aquas and archers in lihl games, for the most people are building pretty similar, ulnless they mix up towers
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Re: hello

Postby GoatsBeGone » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:20 pm

Krumme wrote:Alan what Goat is trying to say to you is that you shouldn't apply to LIHL if you are a rookie - take the time to learn, to make mistakes and improve by yourself
Yes we could guide you but the process of you thinking for yourself is much more important than knowing how to go 7/3 with aquas pre lvl 7
I don't mind you posting these threads here but I advice you not to apply for LIHL until you know you can think out of the box, for yourself, in case of horrible towers and still recover

If you are a cross player then stop crossing in public games, take the time need to learn for your self instead of expecting us to tell you step by step of what to do - we do not seek players that needs to be taught everything - we seek players that can improve by themselves and think for themselves

xD dude i was typing the other while you posted this sry
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Re: hello

Postby eldryan » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:25 pm

at the same time, if you hold the standards so high there won't be any recruitment. expecting a pub player to be as good as someone who has played in LIHL for 4 months is unrealistic. You need to at least encourage them to obs games (which still won't show a huge amount) and play scrimmages.

when I first became a mod, I suggested a new "hr" script within channel LIHL that could only be signed by people over 1300 ELO and LIHL players that could be used to make a mini-league for vouch trials. If you actually want to be thorough about letting players in, krumme, you might try to drum up some support for this placement methodology.

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Re: hello

Postby Diablo_ » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:45 pm

I wouldn't say we have set the standards too high, every player who knows the basics, has an idea about yolo and plays somewhat "smart" (means, uses his brain while playing instead of just doing the same every game without adapting etc) will get a chance in LIHL. But OP isn't there yet.
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Re: hello

Postby eldryan » Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:53 pm

Diablo_ wrote:I wouldn't say we have set the standards too high, every player who knows the basics, has an idea about yolo and plays somewhat "smart" (means, uses his brain while playing instead of just doing the same every game without adapting etc) will get a chance in LIHL. But OP isn't there yet.

well, it's impossible to tell if a player adapts in pubs. what would they adapt to? a big send on 3/7 as opposed to a smaller one? knowing how to build with pure terrible rolls and still be going intense (as was mentioned earlier) is also well above knowing the basics. I haven't watched the replays, but based off this thread players are expected to not only play well but innovate and make new tactics inside the game - which is very rare even within LIHL.

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Re: hello

Postby GoatsBeGone » Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:01 pm

When a guy ask for guidance for Aquas mortars or archers, you must know that there is a huge leap to lihl. Without the basic of the most simple units, how can you expect a person to adapt? There is a long way from a person who absolutely knows nothing, or atleast close, then a prospect to this league, Noone was good when they joined this league, or let me put it another way, every person in this league grows rapidly in skills, that is also the reason we set up rules so that the game become more about the individual player, no cross, no double build ect, If you start a post by saying im used to cross then clearly you have a long way to go, if you then add-in you want help to the most basic parts of the game, then you are miles from this league, I dont think that this league rejects everyone, if there is signs of potential everyone is giving a fair chance. But atm this guy must be concidered far from that stage, needs more practice, and you dont get practice by asking for guidance on forum, as much as playing the game and trying things and different towers, I mean you dont get better by playing archers cause thats a basic thing, so he needs to play other things and try stuff. I wouldnt mind getting asked for help in game, rather then forum
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Re: hello

Postby Krumme » Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:06 pm

Not saying your points aren't valid but lets focus on helping Alan - so please make it specific instead of going big perspective =)

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