unban plz

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unban plz

Postby joe7dust » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:18 am

Warcraft III username: Superphuck
Realm: USEast
Situation: afk
Why you should be unbanned: I don't think ban for 1 afk is fair. I alt tabbed to look up some strats because I was sucking and we were about to lose anyway. Yes I know I should do that stuff outside of game, didn't think I had been alt tabbed for more than 3 minutes but I guess I had? I always thought afk happens after 5 minutes so I really must've let time slip by.


Re: unban plz

Postby Marley[Phoenix] » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:36 am

#1 https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=4157582

#2 https://entgaming.net/openstats/?bans=& ... superphuck

Hi, and welcome!

I recommend you to never go AwayFromKeyboard; (AFK) While your playing any of the specified game on battle.net hosted by ent. Because there is several rules which need to be followed and instructed at first.

Read: http://wiki.entgaming.net/index.php?title=EntGaming:DotARules


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Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:40 am

Re: unban plz

Postby joe7dust » Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:13 pm

Agreements wrote:That rule only applies if the situation you go afk in doesn't affect the outcome of the game.
Notice how many towers we have pushed when you decided to go afk?
The way you played you shouldn't have went afk at all, you should have tried helping us to win the game, instead of looking at your stats ..

I was dead most of the time I was alt tabbed. It couldn't have been longer than a minute or two after I revived. A low level 0-8 that doesn't know how to play his hero is not going to affect the game in that situation anyways.

I love how after the game you suddenly have a vocabulary. I asked many times for the most basic of help with that hero I was playing for the first time and the only person who said anything was pink "stfu stupid". You should just take a moment to give advice then the game might not have been so terrible. We were definitely going to lose that game either way. I didn't afk on purpose I was just trying to get some quick tips since my team was apparently too good to help in any way besides flaming and throwing insults.

I don't know what you're talking about look at my stats. I guess you meant "strats"? I thought I could read up a few things really quick and come back before it was a problem. I think it's weird you allow name spoofing too, you must have been the guy in red color text.

This is a total abuse of power man, get real. Let the votekick and autoafk decide things like this so you don't look like such an asshole.

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