[DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

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[DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby shamanpowers » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:22 am

Game link (if known): https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=4143036
Game name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #94
Your Warcraft III username: scron2@useast
Violator's Warcraft III username: ud[gm]@europe.battle.net
Rule player violated: Maphack
Time of violation (specify whether you are using in-game or replay time): 7:45, 8:00-8:36, 20:16, 22:25, 24:35.
Any further thoughts:
(times taken from game clock above, not replay clock)
Parse of replay: http://replay.garena.ro/view_replay.php ... 771179.w3g

At 7:45 rasta goes directly to the camp where SK is. I suppose this could be a potential rune grab.
At 8:00 silencer is coming to bottom and rasta hugs tower.
At 8:36 rasta perfectly ganks silencer.

Rasta does counter wards that are expected: 20:00.... however at 20:16 that isnt necessarily expected an area and we have no ww heros. Furthermore that sentry sniper placed was placed 2nd of the 2 wards.

At 22:25 Rasta heads directly to sniper in the woods. Perhaps they are pushing but it just seemed odd.

Finally at 24:35 rasta puts a sentry ward directly ontop of an observor ward that is not in an obvious location and was not seen being placed at all. At this point I determined that rasta was mhing and it was worth review to go after the ban.

On a final note rasta seemingly counters each ward without directly attacking it most of the time. Perhaps to evade the mh ban entirely. However I find the instance at 24:35 to be blatant mh, which is why I am posting this submission.
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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby Cat_Fact » Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:28 pm

I second that ud[gm] is Mher. I failed to attach my replay and got no where. Just send it to nabo through PM. Hopefully it help.

For consideration, my game with him and his mh. Time on replay clock.

18:18 - Team gank SA. Rhasta double back to chase SA. His travel path line up with SA very nicely.
24:35 - Chasing SA again. Waiting for SA in tree. Call off chase when viper is there.
24:57 - Chase SA before dusting. This is notice by his slight turn to follow SA just before dust.
32:48 - Rhasta creeping in wood. Run away before finish creeping. Due to Doom and Orge coming his way or to lane creep.
42:50 - Follow and dust SA.
43:44 - After accusing him of mh, he responded by saying that Orge mh first. This suggest that he's admitting to mh too as a second person. As this topic is on Rhasta, I have nothing on Orge for submission.
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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby I3omb » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:49 am

rhasta is quite intelligent with zero fogclicks from the first game.

8:00-I see zero reason at all for rhasta to back off unless he had knowledge of silencer coming to gank, both husk and kunkka were working to push bottom tower
8:36 does not provide conclusive evidence if he did mh or not
20:14-I see zero reason for why rhasta would put a ward here unless he knew there was a ward already there
22:25-well rhasta could see leftover from the dead of the one camp sniper already killed so he decide to come further to check, this doesn't prove the mh
24:35-puts it directly onto the obs ward as if he knew it was right there

From watching his ward placement and seeing his early game movements I am going to conclude rhasta is a mher.

ud[gm] is banned for 1 year for mh

Any comments pm me

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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby that-girl » Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:11 am

Hello ent staff i dont think rasta using mh, as long i know this guy hes good supporter.
He usually play whith me a lot of clan war and, hes perma supporter !
He s nice to delward and he has a nice sense of gang expecially vs heroes who farm in wood.
Its like 3 years i play whith him and I NEVER SAW HIM ANY FOGCLICK !!!!!! and 3 ages are long, i saw this replay,
hes doing his work nicely maybe too nicely and u think hes mh, im think hes just a very nice supporter nothing all,
check maybe some of his previus games , but its strange this post really.
I dont think he using cheats.

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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby Daihelyon » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:01 pm

(I "like" reading ban requests and appeals, so that is how I got in this topic, and this look like an interesting case, so I looked at it.)

8:00-I see zero reason at all for rhasta to back off unless he had knowledge of silencer coming to gank, both husk and kunkka were working to push bottom tower

That is the only curious time, should check rhasta clicks (not fog clicks!) what he was doing than, most likely checking shops, or ally heroes.

The thing is that if he would MH, he could have known that sniper is creeping top forest, with low hp (begin of game), when rhasta went back to fountain, he could have bought tp to top and get easy kills from sniper. He didn't do it. No other ganks were standing out.

24:35-puts it directly onto the obs ward as if he knew it was right there

The warding is the best sample. He is either a bad mh-er (final stats in game), or too good. At the questioned time if I recon (didn't write it down) there were 6 scourge observer wards in bot (near forest sentinel side 1, down river on hill top 1, scourge side 4), rhasta put down 1 sentry at forest, killed 1 observer, and went mid, ignoring 4 observer wards, just look how he ignores the observer on hill top at river. It took 2-3 minutes, that they (sentinel) put 1 sentry and 1 observer on hill at river and killed sniper observer, which was almost out of time. And after that rhasta put sentry at top rune hill, when there was no enemy observer ward.

So in my opinion, these are very poor proof for a maphack.

I didn't check the replay provided by Cat_Fact yet.

On the side-note.
I don't like how scron2 talks at begin. He threatens his allies that if no one shares he will buy rapier. Maybe it would be "fun" to check his other games, to see how he plays. What do you say @shamanpowers

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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby Daihelyon » Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:45 pm

I just checked the replay by @Cat_Fact and I must say rhasta (ud[gm]) is in fact maphacking.

3 timestamps the admins should investigate:

24:35 - Chasing SA. Waits in tree, backs off a little, SA moves closer, rhasta uses dust. No prior vision, no wards, just uses dust, and catches SA.
32:48 - Rhasta creeping in wood. Run away before finish creeping, check how he left 1 single creep which could have been killed by one blow. Doom and Orge coming his way.
42:50 - Rhasta is mid pushing, SA comes from sentinel forest, rhasta uses lothar, backs, and makes a U-turn, SA passes rhasta and goes mid near creeps, rhasta follows SA, and suddenly uses dust, catches SA, puts down ulti. No prior vision, no sentry wards, no gem.

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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby I3omb » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:06 pm

I just did the first game but I guess that still isn't enough and people feel he isn't a mher, I will check the second said game as well.

Elasped time
18:17-rhasta is moving in a direction that would indicate movement of sa backing off straight from bot lane in a straight manner, however; he pauses and begins to change his direction
18:17-18:40 follows the path the sa takes quite easily as if he saw which path he takes
18:40-sa moves towards area of rhasta, rhasta hides into trees
24:33-team fight has pass for most part sentinel team won it, sa with low life stands there in a place which rhasta should have zero indication of him being there
24:45-eats a tree and waits a second before moving toward the mid lane
24:50-backs off because notices viper
24:55-rhasta notices low life sa coming toward him immediately changes direction back to fight him
24:58-dusts an invis sa with zero indication of him being there
32:48-starts a fight with a neutral camp
32:51-movement abruptly stops neutraling and begins to run away because ogre magi and doom are coming
42:27-rhasta is pushing creeps mid lane
42:35-sa starts to head toward rhasta
42:40-rhasta backs off
42:42-rhasta uses his lothars
42:45-sa is right in front of rhasta
42:47-sa runs past rhasta
42:49-rhasta turns around
42:50-42:55 follows invis sa
42:56-dusts an invis sa with zero indication of him being there
43:05-sa is dead

I stand by my judgement, ud[gm] is a mher
Go ahead and disprove the game that Cat_Fact was in, you are more than welcome to explain all the random dusting of an invis hero with zero indication to me

Any comments pm me
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Re: [DOTA] ud[gm]@europe.battle.net

Postby nabo. » Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:30 pm

Ban doding. Seems like this kid: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=37071

Will be range banned.
Clan High@useast

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