Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

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Would you like to see "Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule" in the LTD rules?

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Love » Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:02 pm

Diablo_ wrote:
supersexyy wrote:My opinion is that this rule would be an improvement, but overall I don't think extra rules is necessary for a pub bot.

I agree to this. Theoretically it would be a nice rule (hence it is one in LIHL ^.^), but it's not really needed in pub games. If someone does it properly .. then congratz to "good" king control and if someone starts to juggle report him.

I agree, I don't think that adding this rule to the pub bot is really necessary
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby DrDoom » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:46 pm

Actually there are already so many rules, i know some of them have to be there, but actually king juddling to get units to the king should be allowed because the units are supposed to defend the king.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby nabo. » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:07 pm

DrDoom wrote:Actually there are already so many rules, i know some of them have to be there, but actually king juddling to get units to the king should be allowed because the units are supposed to defend the king.

You make no sense. You dont juggle to get units to tp mid...
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Mercy » Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:26 am

Honestly, with the discussion presented, microing to switch targets should be bannable. I changed my vote. The only exception should be the rule matdas presented- high priority sends. But, up to the masses at this point.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Lucky » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:10 am

Mariah wrote:Honestly, with the discussion presented, microing to switch targets should be bannable. I changed my vote. The only exception should be the rule matdas presented- high priority sends. But, up to the masses at this point.

Well yeah IDK maybe I was silly in thinking most people would know what I am talking about? But heavy leaks with creep sends mean you attack Kraken first (because it slows king down/regen) Locks second (their spell) Demons third (its a demon!) any other auras from a behemoth to a hermit 4th. I am sorry if people have become confused but this conversation should have nothing to do with sends..... People who switch to focus sends over actual lvl leaks are smart and there should never be any scrutiny on that. This should be about microing the king in a way so it takes the longest possible amount of time to kill any one possible unit for any strategy they use? Instead of doing what would be correct, such as focusing important creeps first, focusing lower hp wave send units first or just hitting regular wave send units till they are dead, instead of switching king focus for other purposes....
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Lucky » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:14 am

^^^ And just to add I wrote that from my own perspective and ideas of what is good lol. If someone wants to hop on king and focus all furbs/dino sends first thats fine! Not ideal in my eyes but fine! This is about people who intentionally manipulate the kings attack to make whatever size leak they have to last as long as possible...
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Mercy » Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:04 pm

That's what I'm saying. Microing to do make waves last longer should be bannable. Microing to attack sends, shouldnt be. Microing to attack side by side or weakest first so they die, shouldn't be.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:23 pm

09/30 end of voting.
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby matdas » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:51 pm

The hole problem here is that people are taking advantage of the king system when they don't kill fast enough in their crossing. And quite frankly, i am tired of 10 minute waves cus people dont kill the units and switch before kill them. It not only takes away from the skill of holding your lanes, but also rewards them gold for leaking to the middle. The hole point of having the king attack is for the other team to get the gold for the rewards of making them leak to the king. If the king controller doesnt kill them or delays the game because they don't kill the units, it just makes the game lame, take to long per level, etc.

I am all for changing the rule. It would be a minor rule change will major impacts on the game in pubs. I like change, and this will make crossers play better since they cant get the gold.

Rule change proposal:

"Intentionally preventing the king from killing enemy units (king juggling). With the exception of changing targets to kill high priority targets."

Meaning that players cannot switch from one send to another for example, changing from kraken to kraken to prevent the kill since they are both considered high priority targets. That, if they switch to a high priority they much kill it. No ands ifs or buts about it. High priority list:

Kraken, locks, demon, auras, harder sends, etc etc. We all know what hits harder then the others.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby misspelled_email » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:00 pm

matdas wrote:It not only takes away from the skill of holding your lanes, but also rewards them gold for leaking to the middle.
Why should enemy team be rewarded? It makes no sense. Did they send to make them leak? nope.

"the skill of holding your lanes". Some towers are slow and wasting gold on huge delays is not profitable + if you have such towers you are probabbly already behind why benefit enemy team even more?

p.s. which one is more preferably kraken or warlock? if u kill warlock king takes less dmg , means he survives longer -> survive = u kill units longer + kraken heals. u get banned because u made king kill units longer
If you focus kraken, warlocks kills king = u die. but u prevented king from killing units longer and abuse heal+slow from kraken = no ban.

So to avoid ban you need always to give focus priority to kraken/hermit/wolf/pudge over other sends? Because those 4 prevents king from killing units. Or am i misunderstanding something?
+if king leak are pandaren pudge hermit kraken warlock, if you focus panda you make him survive longer because pudge and heals + selfheal benefit him which is preventing king from kill units? Is it just me or this rule is nonsense?

+If whole team leaked and you managed to benefit from controlling king without dieing (because whole team leaked) then well played team you did nice job. and gg enemies you sent and didn't kill king, now u'll get 8-12 demons. That's all part of the strategies.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Lucky » Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:45 am

The only thing you would need to do to avoid ban is kill the unit u switch to. If you micro king focus to avoid killing units (any type of unit) that is what would be a ban. If you chose to kill creeps first or wave units first is not a big deal, your allies might hate you, but not a ban. This is just about avoiding the king from killing units in order to buy time for whatever your strategy is.

@matdas was simply saying that if your ally takes king off focus of wave units to focus creeps first then no one should start screaming its a rule break. I think he might just be trying to go into detail thinking ahead if the rule was instated.

You cannot stop an ally on king from focusing whatever units they want or think is a priority because there are always people learning and people with different views. What you can do is tell people they cannot micro focus king to not kill any units whatsoever whether that be creep or wave unit.
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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby matdas » Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:35 am


you fail to understand any of this.

misspelled_email wrote:Why should enemy team be rewarded? It makes no sense. Did they send to make them leak? nope.

Cross: Glitch in the game where 100% leaks are active. If you leak, you don't deserve the the benefit of 100% gold from king.
misspelled_email wrote:"the skill of holding your lanes". Some towers are slow and wasting gold on huge delays is not profitable + if you have such towers you are probabbly already behind why benefit enemy team even more?

Why should you be benefitted for leaking with a glitch? (Rhetorical question)
misspelled_email wrote:p.s. which one is more preferably kraken or warlock? if u kill warlock king takes less dmg , means he survives longer -> survive = u kill units longer + kraken heals. u get banned because u made king kill units longer
If you focus kraken, warlocks kills king = u die. but u prevented king from killing units longer and abuse heal+slow from kraken = no ban.

You fail to read the thread. It is about killing units before switching targets. If you switch units to not kill, yes, that is the hole point of this. I suggest you learn LTD better. Learn high priority targets. Demon, Kraken, Warlock, Kodo, hermit, stunners, etc etc etc. Stopping from attacking wave creeps to kill those is fine.
misspelled_email wrote:So to avoid ban you need always to give focus priority to kraken/hermit/wolf/pudge over other sends? Because those 4 prevents king from killing units. Or am i misunderstanding something?
+if king leak are pandaren pudge hermit kraken warlock, if you focus panda you make him survive longer because pudge and heals + selfheal benefit him which is preventing king from kill units?

Read the above. If you die cus you don't kill in the correct order, that's your own fault.

misspelled_email wrote:+If whole team leaked and you managed to benefit from controlling king without dieing (because whole team leaked) then well played team you did nice job. and gg enemies you sent and didn't kill king, now u'll get 8-12 demons. That's all part of the strategies.

Makes no contribution to post.
misspelled_email wrote:Is it just me or this rule is nonsense?

You post is pure ignorance, if not, pure and blatant nonsense.


Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby Mercy » Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:42 am


None of your things make sense.

Why should enemy team be rewarded? It makes no sense. Did they send to make them leak? nope.
- if you are unable to maintain your leaks, you should only catch what you are able to. that's not their problem, but yours, since you leaked.

"the skill of holding your lanes". Some towers are slow and wasting gold on huge delays is not profitable + if you have such towers you are probabbly already behind why benefit enemy team even more?
-again, not their problem, but yours. some towers ARE slow, but if you are capable of making just SLIGHTLY stronger delays or + 1 delay at each spot and one strong in mid, then you are better off than if you didn't.

p.s. which one is more preferably kraken or warlock? if u kill warlock king takes less dmg , means he survives longer -> survive = u kill units longer + kraken heals. u get banned because u made king kill units longer
If you focus kraken, warlocks kills king = u die. but u prevented king from killing units longer and abuse heal+slow from kraken = no ban.

So to avoid ban you need always to give focus priority to kraken/hermit/wolf/pudge over other sends? Because those 4 prevents king from killing units. Or am i misunderstanding something?
+if king leak are pandaren pudge hermit kraken warlock, if you focus panda you make him survive longer because pudge and heals + selfheal benefit him which is preventing king from kill units? Is it just me or this rule is nonsense?

+If whole team leaked and you managed to benefit from controlling king without dieing (because whole team leaked) then well played team you did nice job. and gg enemies you sent and didn't kill king, now u'll get 8-12 demons. That's all part of the strategies.

- This whole argument doesn't mean anything. High priority units ARE sends. Normal killing order for many is krak, warlock, demons. Or you can go warlock kraken, demon. but, it'd be super unbeneficial for you as king's attack would still be slowed.

Naturally anything that slows king down is anyone's first priority.

Next time, try to provide some actual REAL insight and read the entire argument before coming in guns ablazing.

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby misspelled_email » Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:43 am

Agree with 1 thing, that i didn't read whole thread, just subject and new rule implemented.

So if you have 20-0-20 king. And u get kraken + warlock at your king, is it okay to focus warlock to buy time or should you focus kraken? Or example pandaren + kraken + wolf: is it okay to focus pandaren to buy time or should you go kraken -> wolf -> pandaren? Should you "memorize" all those combos? When to focus who first to get least amount of time?
(p.s. this was my whole point pf previous messege, just i made it too long and prob annoying)

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Re: Add Preventing King From Killing Units As A Rule.

Postby misspelled_email » Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:43 am

matdas wrote:Cross: Glitch in the game where 100% leaks are active. If you leak, you don't deserve the the benefit of 100% gold from king.

100 % leaks are possible at solo too, and it is called overbuilding and leaking, not glitching.... That's how cross works.. one guy overbuilds and starts by clearing opposite wave, if that is gliching, ban cross.

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