Minor rules update

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Re: Minor rules update

Postby supersexyy » Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:44 pm

Yep, I wasn't sure because ilocos said 'pubbies' threatened to ban him.

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Re: Minor rules update

Postby HealByColor » Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:38 am

I think he means use the spell not attack. Referring to #1

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Re: Minor rules update

Postby Diablo_ » Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:03 pm

supersexyy wrote:All forms of juggling is banned. That's how the rule should read lol.

The rule has been reworded again, it now reads as:
Every form of juggling is banned (that includes preventing the king from attacking, delaying attacks, changing the target to gain more time or gold etc.)

The !draw rule has also been made more accurate (underlined part is new):
If any player disconnects prior to ending of level 20, then it is mandatory for the remaining players to !draw the game immediately after the disconnect, unless every player agrees to play on.
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Re: Minor rules update

Postby matdas » Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:50 pm

supersexyy wrote:
supersexyy wrote:I think 1 may be bannable thus 3 may also be bannable (a new rule that I'm not really following), rest are fine.

How can you say #3 might be bannable and #2 is fine? If I let the king do his thing he is still faster then #2 ...

All of what you said is allowed on LIHL because I think the new 'pub' rule is stupid.

The new pub rule (I think) is that you have to focus hermit/kraken/high level sends first. Thus #1 and #3 are bannable as in #3 you aren't targeting the high level sends.

No, its point made to prevent people from switching targets to not kill the hermit/kraken and allow all the other creeps to heal up. This revolves around not killing the units thus causing the levels to take forever, huge amount of lumber time. If you choose to switch targets off of the creeps then you must do so with higher priority targetted units such as kraken, hermits, furbs, bo's, etc etc.

[1] If I see the king is fine I let hermits alive on level 7 to heal stomped units (I do not attack creeps with the main attack and then switch targets to let them get healed!).
This is fine.
But if they switch targets to not kill the unit, then it becomes a problem when the hermit/kraken is alive. That is what the rule is preventing. It was very common and very annoying to take 10 minutes on lvl 3, 5, etc. all because of one unit. No one wants a 10 minute level.

You are not allowed to change the king's target (repetitively) nor to delay attacks with the purpose of gaining more gold or time.

Allowed the above to happen.
Every form of juggling is banned (that includes preventing the king from attacking, delaying attacks, changing the target to gain more time or gold etc.)

does not.

This is partially why the pub rule was changed.

I have other things to say, but it would cause a rage fit and be shut down by the masses. So I will leave it at that. Comparing pro league vs pub league rules is not something that should be done.

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Re: Minor rules update

Postby Diablo_ » Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:44 pm

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