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Postby NomadOk » Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:51 am

[b]Your Warcraft III username:suckmyass
[b]Why are you banned:suckmyass autoban: left at 110/2463
suckmyass autoban: left at 1648/2766
[b]Why you should be unbanned: Okay last time I lagged out I posted saying that I might be banned after that game and if someone could help me with gproxy/entconnect because It will not work when I try to install it. The person who looked at my forum just said not banned and didn't help me now I am banned because I lagged out of two games please unban so I can play my favorite bot and help me with entconnect/gproxy.

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Re: unban

Postby BeepBoopBeep » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:19 am


Above is everything you can possibly need to get either Entconnect or Gpproxy working. Your ban expire's in 5 minutes.

Make sure to have your reconnection tool working, before playing.


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