NWU Unban

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NWU Unban

Postby chickenandbeer » Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:28 pm

Your Warcraft III username: EvilTwin
Realm/Gateway: West
Why are you banned: Unknown (other)
Why you should be unbanned: Hi, i tried to long onto my account today and it said i was banned. I honestly have no idea of why i am banned. I didnt leave any games, and only went afk twice but i told my team i was. My stay rate is over 90% and i would really like to be unbanned so i can return to playing. Thank you. Also, it said @Masamune was the one who banned me, maybe he will have more insight on this debacle.


Re: NWU Unban

Postby Masamune » Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:49 pm


https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.p ... in#p184142

Explain this game. You went AFK for a periodic amount of time and reset the timer so please tell me otherwise?

It doesn't matter if you told your team you were going AFK. Either leave the game or don't play at all if you decide to throw game by AFKing in base.

Armored Tree
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Re: NWU Unban

Postby chickenandbeer » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:15 am

@Masamune I can explain that game. I was actually in fact not failing that game and went afk because i had to go to work. I didnt rage afk... as you can see in the chat for that game, they said they needed the afker because they needed my items.. implying they were good. I have no reason to rage afk. I know the reprocussions of going afk in this game, like this one...me being banned. I didnt continuously keep resetting the timer..the game prolly registered my moving and then going afk as resetting the timer but i did not purposely sit there and keep resetting the timer like a noob... so if you could unban me that would be wonderful because i really didnt go afk on purpose due to rage nor did i go afk because i was being a noob. People have personal life issues, i cant put Warcraft over my work schedule.. if you guys cant recognize that then thats a problem. @Masamune

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Re: NWU Unban

Postby chickenandbeer » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:18 am

And how does that make sense at all?? Just leave the game? If i leave the game the system will register that as a rage quit and ban me almost instantly.. so why would i do that? If anything im doing my team justice by going afk because gold is piling up on my character so that when they do eventually kick me, they are recieving more gold as opposed to me just leaving. sorry, but that makes no sense at all. You act like i knew i was going to get called into work... and its not like leaving a game is better than going afk because you guys base your bans off of the system that records all the leaves, afk's, etc. And the system weighs leaving a game more than an afk,,, ive noticed that..so yea. I really did nothing wrong here and i deserve an unban.. i simply had to leave.... banning me for that makes no sense at all @Masamune

Armored Tree
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Joined: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:16 pm

Re: NWU Unban

Postby chickenandbeer » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:22 am

Im sorry, it just really upsets me that you said, "It doesn't matter if you told your team you were going AFK. Either leave the game or don't play at all if you decide to throw game by AFKing in base." .. i just dont see the logic. Not only did i tell my team i had to go, but they also recieved more gold that game from me going afk than they would from me solely leaving. So from me leaving they also benefitted at the same time. And i had no idea i would have to leave.. so i really did nothing wrong. @Masamune


Re: NWU Unban

Postby Masamune » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:28 am

You afk'd and you were banned for it. You were resetting timer and repeated the.. Exact. Same. Mistake. as your previous game.

Also, if you did not know this:
Going AFK and resetting timer or afking in general > Leaving

Why? Leaving results in a 30 minute ban as opposed to throwing the game by AFK which results in a FAR longer ban. There is perfect logic here. You clearly just cannot see it. You do not deserve an unban because you still have not learned your lesson from 2 weeks ago. Like I said, if you do not have the time to play the game, just leave rather than breaking a rule like resetting an AFK timer or going AFK for an indefinite amount of time.

Your appeal is denied. Moved.

Also, just a personal note. The system only weighs leaving higher if you leave a larger amount of games or DC from a large amount of them. Nice try, I guess?

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