I'm no stranger when it comes to teammates leaving. I understand the frustration. But everyone has the right to play. Even if they leave mid-game. They get caught by the auto-ban. Just because you want them gone doesn't make it right. There really is no reason to votekick in lobby. If you think someone is going to leave while waiting in lobby, then go next game. I do it when players from
@asia join with under 15 games. I find that most of the time they leave. Everyone has their pet peeves when it comes to players. Find yours and avoid them.
I don't really care if you have 1700 elo. Everyone has the right to play the game. Would it be alright if every game that you played, you got kicked for being "to high of elo" or "to high of stay rate"? This sounds absurd, but that's how i see it. Turn what everyone thinks around. See the counter side. Is it fair to kick you for your better stay rate and elo? No. Does it ruin your day when you get kicked from a lobby because of your stats? Prolly not, cus you just go to next game. The point is, you shouldn't have to go next game. You should be able to play the game you joined on your own, without other players saying !yes to a kick because they find a number is to low.
We are a noob friendly community. Even if someone has a low stay percentage, tell them to stay in games, and if they join your game after they left one with you in it, leave the lobby. Simple form of protest against a player that you can do all on your own. Hell, grab your friends and tell them to avoid a specific player. Just don't go harassing that player.
All of this can simply be avoided by you leaving the lobby if you dislike someone's stats. They joined, you joined. You can't force a votekick on someone for something so stupid as elo and stay rate.
I also find that arguing over this is pointless. Votekicking in lobby is just wrong. There is no reason behind doing it. They are not ruining the game. If you say their stats are, then you are just plain wrong.
I could rant on and on. But I will stop here and say this: It is your choice to stay in the lobby. You do not have to stay. You do not have the right to forcibly remove someone through the votekick from the lobby based on stats, elo, stay rate, whatever. This is votekick abuse at its finest if you do so.