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Postby Stealer » Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:58 pm

Certainly a good idea to give burn powers so he can ban without tids... \s

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Postby NutzSucksHard » Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:03 pm

Burn wrote:It is not a request for more power, the staff application is completely a voluntary decision for the better of the community. It isn't about whether I want something or not, it's what you want, and what the community needs.

You just said it. Right there. What we want.. and by all my knowledge, it never been the ''in-game power'' that caused problem, well yes, in a bad way it did.. people were and still abusing it!... What we do have problem with actually, in a sad way, is people being mod and not doing forum jobs. Actually I've seen more mod doing power use in-game than off-game/inside forum. Lot of people do it in the first two week of their new GM position - they do some forum jobs - then go and just do in-game stuff (+ little little work on forum so they don't lose their power in-game.. DUH!).

You know what people do with mod power? This : I'm mod, do not abuse. You intentional feed? !kick. You flame? !mute... Etc etc etc. YO that's my mate, we good let's stack! !swap 4 8.

You know, for these commands people are ready to fool you. The game doesn't get better nor more 'fair' by having mod in-game. Actually do you see valve staff being in dota 2 games? RIOT staff being in LoL game to make SURE you do play the game by-the-rule? No, they're not. Because community reports problems, abusers, hackers, cheaters, flamers... What you need, is a staff behind the game, ready to handle and check these reports.

That's a mod jobs. Nothing else. When a mod play the game he's 'modding', he should play it as a player, not as an actual GM. Even if he's known as it. Mod should not even think about using power in-game UNLESS there's a really big problems somewhere and that has magically happen while he was just taking a lil break of forum going to play one game or two. (Mainly, people seeing a MOD will play nicely, following rules, therefore you don't see anyone breaking rules, thus you're not really useful UNLESS you're here, 24/7 365days/years)

So the actual chance of a MOD/GM/ADMIN using power in-game (wich is what you want) is very low, thus there's no actual NEED of this kind of position in the staff wich would be 'in-game GM'. Simply because the actual staff already doesn't really use it on the purpose of 'managing the game'. They use it more for 'personal purpose' like !swap command and stuff like that.

For me, that's what a GM is: Someone managing the forum at is best, answering question, showing the exemple, following the rules himself and help people throught request / appeal. Applying the ban accordingly, making sure everything is fair (the violation type, time etc). What you're asking for me is just having some privilege over others, while doing nothing else than being a normal player that do BRQ like all player. The only difference is that you're a bomb that can unban people, ban them, command in-game etc. I just see a risk of seeing a new DA-O1. @Agreement will agree with me on this. Since we both had to handle this mister... I promise you, it was not a game of pleasure. Don't be that dude, just play your game and believe in actual staff. You want to come back, no problem, get active in BRQ and BanAppeal, around the forum and then apply. That's it.

Have a nice day sir.

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Postby ThiaZ » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:29 am

I thought of submitting an application several times but never got around to it. I still need some posts in the ban request section though - will do as soon as my bachelor is done.

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Postby aRt)Y » Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:08 pm

It's not only about the number of posts but how well the staff knows you. Joining the chat and trying to get in contact with moderators helps a lot.
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Postby THR » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:44 pm

Agreements wrote:I doubt you did much coding with that English, grammar is beyond repair.
I find it extremely hard to believe, anyway, feel free to apply.
ONCE you meet our requirements.

english is my thirs language , and if u dont believe , why dont u ask for proof , i still have all my source !

we were the first to have a stat tracking system in and i was part of its developpement

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Postby THR » Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:26 am

i tried !!!! and i understand your point , its pretty clear !!

i'm taking english classes already , it's coming slowly BUT one day it is gonna be good enough !

thx for answering

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Postby eldryan » Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:54 am

My app still stands - wherever art)y moved it. Too much lag for in-game....

Also why do other old mods have green.



Postby MarshMallows » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:11 pm

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