elo for nwu

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elo for nwu

Postby nabo. » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:15 pm

@matdas @masamune @muZk @eGloryKresh

@Azog suggested for elo system to be implemented again.

Please confirm whether there are still (many) ways to crash the game.
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Re: elo for nwu

Postby muZk » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:30 pm

The only crash I've seen in 1.3.9e was a combination of two heroes, "Obito" and "Shino". There is the description (I haven't tested localy to reproduce).

Other crashs are already fixed.

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby reborn2956 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:56 pm

If I remember correctly, If Ino uses ult on Shino and cast a shield on someone and when the mind control duration finishes and if the shield explodes and hurts Shino, it can also cause the game to crash.

Likewise with Obito's Fire Ring as well. If Ino uses ult on Obito and uses the Fire Ring and after the mind control finishes, the game might crashes if the fire ring damages Obito.

I might be wrong but I think matdas knows more about these bugs than me, if I recall correctly it was him telling me about these crashes. I might be wrong though.
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Re: elo for nwu

Postby matdas » Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:37 pm

i haven't played the new version due to my surgery so i dont know

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby muZk » Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:37 pm

reborn2956 wrote:If I remember correctly, If Ino uses ult on Shino and cast a shield on someone and when the mind control duration finishes and if the shield explodes and hurts Shino, it can also cause the game to crash.

Yup, It's already fixed in 1.3.9e

reborn2956 wrote:Likewise with Obito's Fire Ring as well. If Ino uses ult on Obito and uses the Fire Ring and after the mind control finishes, the game might crashes if the fire ring damages Obito.

I didn't know that one. It will be fixed in 1.3.9f ;)

Ino + Obito is already fixed. I just tested this out.

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby TipicEpic » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:20 am

*.* yeaahh!! ELO coming back??? agree!


Re: elo for nwu

Postby Masamune » Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:26 am

I would recommend further testing with the map (say 1 week or so?) before actually putting the ELO back. If there are no crash bugs, bring it back!

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby eGloryKresh » Sun Jan 11, 2015 8:17 am

I say to bring elo back less leavers and more players income.

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby aRt)Y » Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:08 am

There have been 43 econnresets in the 500 games hosted with the new map. Whether they are glitch related, dunno. Someone gotta check.

| 4990999 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #34 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4982194 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #69 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4980509 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #44 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4999531 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #6 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5000595 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #15 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5001743 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #23 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5000412 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #11 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5007377 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #68 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5007762 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #73 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5004371 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #54 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5010629 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #26 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5009347 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #0 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5012631 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #35 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5014410 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #52 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5010089 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #15 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5010563 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #24 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5022006 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #22 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5013842 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #45 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5016153 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #77 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5033968 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #25 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5037564 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #61 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5035232 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #37 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5037118 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #58 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5002155 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #31 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4983953 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #72 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5009135 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #99 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5012560 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #34 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5020938 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #13 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5031420 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #16 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4984419 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #74 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4985157 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #77 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5001356 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #20 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5008308 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #84 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5010975 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #28 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5020275 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #10 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5022635 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #37 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5003019 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #41 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4993345 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #49 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4996908 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #94 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5003876 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #49 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5005624 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #60 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 5009539 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #7 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
| 4978310 | [ENT] NWU -sdsm #24 | Maps\Download\NWU v1.3.9e.w3x |
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Re: elo for nwu

Postby muZk » Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:56 pm

8.6% isn't high at all. Is it posible to ask the players of those games?

Also, I would like to ask if there is a way to tell the bot the heroes in game. It could help us to detect heroes combination that are bugging.


Re: elo for nwu

Postby Masamune » Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:54 am

Is it not possible to just automatically draw the games if someone leaves during loadscreen?

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby frankshotsauce » Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:19 pm


Has someone already started looking into the econresets yet that you know of? If so, let me know where they are at and I can continue on from their ending point or pick up the other ones not looked into yet. If no one has started I can work on them ASAP to possibly start getting the ELO train moving. Thank you @muZk for your hard work and continuing work on NWU, much appreciated!

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby aRt)Y » Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:46 pm

It's all yours.
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Re: elo for nwu

Postby Masamune » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:09 pm


I think a majority of them are from Shino shield after Ino MC.

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Re: elo for nwu

Postby frankshotsauce » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:20 pm

It's weird, the first 20 or so I watched before I got side tracked, people randomly DC with no action to cause them to drop out. I skipped around and saw shino/Ino drops a few times. Most of the time it's people just running and others killing creeps when they drop. One was a sage casted, Sui torrented, by Sho full combo that dropped a yon. I have a list going at home. I can post the list on Tuesday when I get back in town.


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