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• Balance
○ Decrease lumber gained from G2L to 500 (from 700). Additionally reduced the time it takes to complete to 10 seconds (from 15).
○ Reduced Tauren's Aftershock radius to 500 (from 900).
○ Granted Tauren fortified armor while in Champion form.
○ Removed the first level of Sypherious' Oceanic Minions.
○ Reduced the required level for Sypherious' Oceanic Minions to 5 (from 6).
• Bugs
○ Fixed Courier and Chimaera getting stuck.
○ Fixed Spell Well not turning into its rebuildable form when double-right clicked.
○ Fixed Wand of Neutralization disappears when it's carrier dies.
○ Fixed Titan Hunter's dropping all of their items on death.
○ Fixed Shadow Walk and Fog Generator / Shadow Catcher stacking.
○ Fixed Demonicus' Nuke not causing an armor reduction.
○ Attempted a fix for the MMD system's desync.
○ Fixed being able to start votes before the game has started.
○ Looked into GetLocationZ() Desync:
§ Replaced the check in Lucidious' Saturation to test cliff heights rather than Z height.
§ Replaced Demonologist's Earth Shock Wave with Carrion Swarm
§ Replaced Morphling's Shock Wave with a new Shock Wave based on Carrion Swarm
§ Replace Tauren - War Stomp (Stun, Damage)
§ Replace Morphling - Slam (Slow, Damage)
• Changes
○ Disabled the Gold Penalty timer display.
○ Change default defender race to be selectable (instead of Orc).
○ Added the attack effect back to the Tauren Champion.
○ Added a command to toggle Demonicus's auto attack (-aa on/off, is off by default).
○ After the game ends the entire map is shown.
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• Balance
• Added a 5 minute expiration timer to Bubonicus' corpse wards.
• Bugs
• Fixed Potion of Omniscience being sellable for 200g.
• Fixed chat defaulting to "All" for Defenders.
• Fixed armor tooltips.
• Fixed a problem where the minion would not correctly spawn after grace time.
• Changes
• Changed secret songs to not play if you use -silence.
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• Balance
• Buffed Goblin's Rapid Fire Tower in its item form.
• Bugs
• Fixed sound commands.
• Fixed Tauren's armor tooltips.
• Fixed Bubonicus' Meat Shield continuing through Death Void.
• Fixed the MMD system not activating correctly.
• Changes
• Recreated Bubonicus' Meat Shield "units" as effects.
• Made Wand of Neutralization able to be cast on Magic Immune units.
• Made Wand of Neutralization only bounce to units that are of the same affiliation as the initial target unit. This means if you target an ally it will bounce to allies, and vis-versa with an enemy target.
• Tooltips and Hotkeys
• Fixed Bubonicus' Minions' Skeletal Minions icon not being the autocast variant.
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• Bugs
• Fixed Tauren having "normal" armor rather than "medium".
• Fixed votes rounding down still.
• Fixed Pirate's Explosive Walls destroying wards.
• Changes
• Changed how Bubonicus' corpse storage works.
• Changed Bubonicus' Corpse Exhumation.
• Removed Bubonicus' Minions' corpse storage, and replaced with a generic minion summoning ability.
• Tooltips and Hotkeys
• Fixed the hotkey of Radon Tower's Overload ability clashing with Check Range (Q).
• Terrain
• Fixed some terrain problems.
• Misc
• Reverted Bubonicus' model.
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• Balance
• Added another level to Morphling's Battle Training. Moved evasion and critical strike to the last level.
• Reduced Morphling Warrior's evasion to 25% from 33%.
• Misc
• Replaced Bubonicus' model with one with a modified hitbox.