Adjusting stats for [achillesgr] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [armedanddeadly] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [clearfluids] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [elektro-] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [guennter] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [iamzealot] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [ig0d] by +3 (gid=5317956) Adjusting stats for [krumme] by -21 (gid=5317956)
Sure pp, unvouched for 1 week
----- LIHL player parser, a tool to automatically parse LIHL players' Elo and create reports for it: CLICK