not the way to play legion td

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not the way to play legion td

Postby V1rus » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:28 pm

Playing like this is no fun imo. They broken 3 rules this game . My aim is not to get players banned but too many games are played like this latetly and I hate it. Takes away all building and yolo skills. So i opened this discussion.

- Do not clog (=leaking so many creeps that they block each other and are barely moving) on purpose. (lvl 13)
- Do not leak more than a normal yolo would do (lvl11)
- Any use of game mechanics which results in a glitch or bug is forbidden (lvl 13)

Leaking more than us lvl 13 to die slower lvl 13 even if they know they die too sucks.
Argument that archer holds in invalid imo because he only hold mid well because of clog (birds come seperatly).

Our best way of surviving 13 would have been to sell all towers and hope we clog more/ die slower because we have one heal more than them.
Holding vs 3 hardcore yolo races who are saving from 7 and leaking every lvl is like impossible (at least if you dont have archer/turrets with tot maybe).

Thats just no way to determine the game outcome. Many people agree with.


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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby Achillesgr6 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:39 pm

it wasnt clog we had elite archers and you can see chat also we told him to stay 7/4 to catch all leaks

we couldnt kill you on 10 or any lvl..but we could die easy 14-15-17 and we couldnt even race you caus eof 2 heals

you could still win that game if you send on 10 send arena and manage to hold 13 with 2 heals ..than sell your towers as you saying cause selling your towers means you just die..cause we didnt as you can see in game...before you feel bad about a game play try to think maybe was a plan to afford that...e.x send hard 10 (could also kill us tbh or lose a heal) and resend arena could give you much value...(our only hope was 13 and you knew it)

you prefer to try hold with blasters and race us vs archers...and before you post something go check replay we couldnt die even if your creeps wanted 2 hours to go to your king

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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby V1rus » Fri Mar 06, 2015 1:53 pm

1st I dont agree with you don't die 13. Ofc it looks like archers hold huge mid but they die fast if sends come together with units. With no sends (cause of clog) they just snipe birds before they reach archers.

2nd you outroll us totally and we both have immo and you tell me the only way for you is to win like that? rly?

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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby Achillesgr6 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:07 pm

V1rus wrote:

2nd you outroll us totally and we both have immo and you tell me the only way for you is to win like that? rly?

send 10>arena (not 12 cause we could change plan to 15) and i think you could hold easywith heals it was a plan that you could use

we didnt outrolled outrolled byyourselfs!! you knew that we send 13 and you stuck with it without to think anything else to stop followed us to 13 that was just perfect for us..i was afraid that you send 10-arena and rr anti 13 at least 1 of you..we send just 2k wood wanst much

we had 1 heal and even without the clog you sy..always gargs go last to mid so archers kill the birds fast no matter what

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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby Diablo_ » Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:04 pm

Well ...
That's once again one of those tricky cases. Sure, leaking 90 creeps on lvl 13 with only 2 players leaking is retarded and it also clogged to some degree. But it also was a 3vs3 with one guy in their team overbuilding heavily and holding his lane easily + covering mid decently. So it can't be said they abused clogging (on purpose), I also agree that they would have survived lvl 13 pretty easily. Such games are surely frustrating but banning them seems wrong.

I don't know what else to say, as long as we don't implement a rule which demands a certain value you need to have (which imo has no place in a "pro" league) there's no way to fully eliminate such cases.
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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby MarshMallows » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:50 am

I think cases like these should be settled by games of Rock Paper Scissors lizard Spock.

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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby archol » Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:05 am

Thats why i encourage everyone to play 2s because this aint possible there, but no - every time i start a 2s everyone want to play a 4s (and wait 30-60 min till the others finish) or dodge rofl, except if there is not enough players in the noon/morning of Europe

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Re: not the way to play legion td

Postby V1rus » Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:19 am

[quote="Diablo_"]Well ...
3vs3 with one guy in their team overbuilding heavily and holding his lane easily + covering mid decently. So it can't be said they abused clogging (on purpose), I also agree that they would have survived lvl 13 pretty easily.

I generally agree. My only issue there is that imo the player with archers would have covered 'worse' if the other 2 players would have leaked 50 units instead of 90 units. Thats where the glitch abuse comes into play. You should die faster/ be able to cover mid worse if you leak more!

I don't wanna get any people banned. Maybe encourage to play less like this... because everybody of us played against this playstyle and knows how much it sucks and feels unfair to lose against it.


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