wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

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wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby Achillesgr6 » Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:08 pm


this is the half truth is very bad to give people the half truth

i that game i am building on lvl 6 and saying i am gonna build but i am tired to explain all the time..so when elektro- saying "build so they dont complain" iam saying i dont care if they complain

its not this the point ...i make this post for a pathetic admins like you who telling the half truth and give a meaning that they want

youa re so pathetic


i was already going to build..but i think its not this the problem..the problem is that you trying to found an excuse ..... e.x when you make mass after lvl 20 everything is ok... when achilles make mass its bug he cheat ,there is no other way to win etc etc..
Last edited by Achillesgr6 on Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby aRt)Y » Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:25 pm

Next time you want to complain about a mod, use an appropriate language or it goes right in the bin.

@MichaelSong will surely elaborate his action.
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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby Achillesgr6 » Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:28 pm

aRt)Y wrote:Next time you want to complain about a mod, use an appropriate language or it goes right in the bin.

@MichaelSong will surely elaborate his action.

i google for the words and i found pathetic annoying what you expect me to write..if you want me i can be more polite in greeks

p.s ok ok its the "fucking"

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby HealByColor » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:53 pm

My simple response is we had a 2300 holder maxed king 4 heals and died level ten explain how that is possible without clogging?

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:59 pm

CUT THE CRAP PLEASE. we had no holder for 5, we had holder for 6, we had no holder for 7, we had n o holder for 8 althow teal and red tried to hold lvl 10, we even killed lvl 10. HOW THE FUCK CAN U SAY WE didnt recovered when i hold 1 boss and dmg the others and trancedout killed all lane ??????????????? how can u say that was clog ????????? it was awesome strategy to win the game ffs.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:01 pm

if there was clog, we would have stayed 500 value all 4 and we would have no chances of holding 10, BUT WE HOLDED 10 WITH NO HEAL OR 1 heal. so please use your brain before saying or doing something.
EDIT: donbola please PLEASE PLEASE DONT SAY NOTHING. u are not in the position to say something, not with your skill, not with your "intelligence"... u can post whatever u want in ent18, where your skill truly belongs.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:29 pm

Lets talk about each player in my team : red had wolves, best build for him to try hold streigt 5 was 3 wolves with 4 1. but he wouldnt hold his own lane anyway vs 2 bo. Blue had aqua, no point to try holding streight 5 for the simple fact he could never hold 5, not even with 1 0 wisp. Teal ( me ) had egg, lod and necromancer. My best build was 2 lod 1 egg 1 necromancer with 4 0. no chances to hold my whole lane with 1 furb 1 bo, not to mention i got 2 bo. and purple started to build at lvl 1 engineers, and at lvl 3 or 4 he build 1 turret. he his the only one that could go holding 5 with turret, but he chose to yolo engineers. that was his call, we saw he had turrets at lvl 3 or 4, when it was to late to try hold streight 5. not to mention that with 4 0, turrets could have not held sends for lvl 5. so please "put yourself in the other shoe".. what would u have done in our position ??
Edit : NOne of us could go holder for 5 not even with 1 0 wisps.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby MichaelSong » Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:44 pm

Since you made complaint, I would go describe more in details why I made this judgement.
This is just small part of what I posted.
As I mentioned at that post, Futhermore, I didn't count on 5 although your team leaked huge amount of hawks in level 5.
You just cut small part of whole post and going come to complain seems like making the mistake of hasty generalization.
Please keep reading whole post.

Further explanation about judgement in-game: You definitely knew you will leak hard at level 6 if you don't build after level 5 is finished, and mentioning like these statesment:
Team West wrote:(07:34 / Allied) Achillesgr: push <<<<< when level 5 is running, you said "push" means equal meaning to don't build for level 6 since you cannot push lumberjack and build towers in same time.
(07:35 / Allied) Achillesgr: :P
(11:31 / Allied) elektro-: =))
(11:41 / Allied) elektro-: go hold 6
(11:42 / Allied) elektro-: pls
(11:47 / Allied) elektro-: so they dont complain
(11:49 / Allied) Achillesgr: yea
(11:50 / Allied) Achillesgr: i build <<< you said "I build" and you actually didn't build much enough. You had aqua and ok, let's judge your pushing would be better at level 6, your team needed at least one holder, so shouldn't be accused for 4x clogging.
(11:57 / Allied) Achillesgr: i dont care if they complain <<< For me, by stating this means "opponents have chance to complain about our decisions" and "I don't care if they complain" which proves you know your team will gonna clog in the game.

Besides these chat issues, it will be clearly acknowledged if you go look over your replay.

You're not new player in LIHL.
You should have known that there was long dicussion about intentional 4x clogging and you can see majority of LIHL players agreed to ban intentional 4x clogging and Hutzu,Diablo_ made new rule to prohibit 4x clogging.
For me, you didn't follow the rules apparently and complaining with non-logical grounds seems invalid complaint.

We are on discussion of "What is regarded as intentional clogging" by LIHL Moderators and will make clear standards about "intentional clogging."
Before that please read this for knowing glimpse of it.

Any more opinion would be gladly welcomed.

Edit: Rules are for everyone, there is no exception whether you're privileged or not.
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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:51 pm

wolf, u give me the impresion u didNt read my replys and u keep argueing with the wind. Before posting something like this, please at least read what i twrote, and after that u may reconsider if there was clog or not.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby MichaelSong » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:00 am

Please go watch replay and see your team play.
You could have gone like ILOCOS_NORTE or Madrista with staying 1/0 at 5

Moreover, Can you please read this post and what majority of LIHL players think about clog?
New Beta bla bla

In this game. 1007 has turrets beside the mutants and he went to play at level 1 with mutants means :
"Our team sucks at level 5, but I would play mutants over turret".
Also you had lord of death + egg which are perfect to defend level 5 and you pushed hard.
But I didn't ban only 1007 and you because leaking 110 in level 5 definitely mean intentional 4x clogging.
Intentional 4x clogging is not one person's choice.
It is absolutely decision by team choice because clogging is not valid when if at least only 1 player go to overbuild.

Any further explanation needed?

I think you should explain about your play with why you pushed with lord of death + eggsacks.
Also 1007 need to explain his playing if you guys are accused of 4x intentional clogging before you guys complain about decision.
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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:22 am

If u really think that i can be holder for 5 when they streight 5 with egg lod necro, i seriously doubt your ltd skill man.

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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby MichaelSong » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:44 am

Players can have different point of view, but there is certain middle ground that anyone can agree.
I do think I'm judging this case not biased.
I already gave and explained enough details why you guys are banned for "Intentional clog"

Why are you talking about level 5 all day.
Did you carefully read what I wrote?

I said
"Although 110 leaks at level 5 seems like hard leak, I didn't put level 5 into my background for judgement since East legion went straight 5 and west wan't really good against 5".

I said like several times, don't make me repeat what I said.
You clearly seems like didn't read my post carefully and spamming again what you said before.

Briefly, the reason why you guys are banned is mainly because of level 6,8,9.
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Re: wolfwarrior stop telling the half truth

Postby elektro » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:51 am

and i explained red held lvl 6, and blue at least tried, he leaked 4 creeps. and after 7 i builded for 8, i held 80% of my lane, and i killed 1 boss for lvl 10, with huge send. red killed 70% of his lane lvl 8 and cleared whole lvl for 10. for lvl 9 all of us were weak, same as lvl 5. what more explanation do u need???
edit, i built for 9, same as red.

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