Unfair Ban ?

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Unfair Ban ?

Postby Wolke » Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:16 am

Hi there, i noticed i got unvouched for 2 days and i think it´s unfair.
I accept this in generell but i have absolutly no idea what i should to different next time with this roll- I will try to argue step by step why i build what and hope you(anybody) can tell me what i could should do different with this roll next time.

Generell thoughts now: my units: tot(from 1roll),healaura,raider,komodo(BAD ROLL). Komodo no option since obs, raider good wave 1-4.healaura good to support.
NO chance to hold important lvl like 5 7 8 10. So my aim is to get some lumber harvest to support team and atleast hold until lvl 4, then depending on send. Also i aim to recover after 10 since. Since lvl 1 it was clear i leak huge 7 8 with mostly raider, so even 9 will be hard to hold.

Wave1: 1rr tot tribesman, i drop tot tribesman and rr since i hope for better roll. Now healaura+raider. so far lvl 1 i build TOT+Healaura
Wave2: So far no send. I pushed 3/0 and add raider (tot,raider,healaura). leaked small to furb but so far no clog i think
Wave3: +1 raider and 4/0. no leak. (tot,healaura,2xraider)
Wave4: add t1 and pushed more. So far only small leak against furb(2) and no leak 1 3 4. I decided to push as much as i can since i saw NO chance to hold 5 with raider since i also expected them to send on 5. My option to hold 5 would be to up tot (slow good but no other units to do fine 5 without HUGE ob 5.

Wave5: Sold t1 ent to get 1 more push, so i can up king to save heal. leak 5 with 410 and 2 bloodorc. I know i would leak even without send but i think ob with this units (especially since i exspect them to send) is tk, since i can´t help my team then in any way (Hold or lumber harvest to up/send).,

Wave 6: before wave start i said i hold and spend ALL my gold (150g) to upgrade raider.I could just push 7/4 and leak much more which would be better for clog. I didn´t push at all and tried my best to hold as much as i can. Ofc i leak with this units, but 560 value for example with good units (archer/aqua+polar or healaura) can hold 6. So i think i leak 6 just because of my bad roll not because i wanted to clog. Compare it with just auqa pls, do ok 1-4, leak 5 against huge send and build (only the value not the good units) for 6, which results in my case in leaking 11 from 47 units. Yes i know it´s still a leak and 47 are many but i dk what I could do different.

Wave 7: During wave 6 i didn´t see them upping reg--> they send 7, which means i leak 7 anyway so i just push. Question here from me: Who of you would build raider to hold 7 against send ? I didn´t tell Brave to push and just say, that at that point we had no other chance then Yolo and king 10. We had no good holder(brave had some panda, no ygg or harlot), no immo, so upping king was our only tactitcal option. I dk every units of every player and can only expect how much we leak by seeing already build units (only brave has a chance to hold 5,7 8 so far. Maybe electro could do ok 5 and 8, but he had no chance 5 against send and 8 would be hard since he leaked 5 6 7.
During 7 i said: I hate this playstyle aswell. You can see i didn´t want to suicide yolo clog. but what should i do to cover any lvl with raider,tot,healaura. We leaked ca 70 units to king with 1 holder which is ok for 4v4 with send.(i think)
Fanatismo was nearly my value at this time with far better units (scientist good against 5 and better yolo start.). He also got kinggold from our leaks and he could just send not king (more inc-->more gold to build). Like me he leaked full 5.

Generell thoughts before lvl 8: Next Important lvl: 10 14 15 17. Since it was clear i don´t hold 10 my aim was still to recover and get some anti 14 15 or 17. So i did 50g rr before lvl 8, because i didn´t want to build empty value (more raider) from now on. My rr was pure shit(wandigo), which i said.
I also said and realized that clog is forbidden and we do it right now, so i was aware of the problem.

Wave 8: Both team no send. I still didn´t build because i see no chance to hold 8 with raider and i wanted to recover with inc. We leaked 81, they 72. I think since we leaked huge since 5 that´s not much more and even if we didn´t leak, they would give as nearly the same time to harvest lumber for 10.

At this time (maybe even before but i see our lumber now) it was clear game ends at 10, so i decidet to push, since i leak all (3boss+wyv) even i build all).

Wave 9: We leaked huge (me aswell) this time. Yes i agree this shouldn´t happpend at this easy lvl but with my bad units i leaked 5-8 already, because of send, bad units and ofc low value. Wave 11 was the first wave i could possibel hold at this point(and recover from inc at that point)

DURING 9 Elektro lagged out for a while and since i know this game ends 10 because of ugly playstyle. I asked the other team to draw, because i know that they will die 10. I really don´t know what i should do different at this point. Yes we leaked to much at easy lvl and yes we went 2-10 because of no holder/bad kingspell. But tell me pls you rly think staying ob with raider would change the outcome of this game. Draw was the only chance which we offered them to end this shit game. ( When you offered the other team a draw if you know you win save even with this playstyle.

Wave 10: I build all with the aim to hold 11, since i know i leak 10 anyway.

All in all i think it´s not fair to get banned because of bad roll. You all agree i think if i say raider as best unit is not good to hold at all even with send.
You can see i tried even 50g in order to get better units. I Also didn´t blame brave at all and offered draw to the other team since i clearly didn´t want to play and win that way. I am hoping for response to maybe see a better way in playing with this untis.

Sorry for my and english :roll:

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:12 am

forget it, u cant mess with them, they smarter... when they have no good explanation, they just say " i have nothing more to say about it" and they archeve it.
Edit: wolke u didnt went normal yolo, u could yolo far more better with those unit. practice more man, or watch more replays, u will learn fast..
edit: hope u know i am kidding.
Last edited by elektro on Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Wolke » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:23 am

that´s exactly what i didn´t want. i went"normal suicide yolo" for a bad roll. Elektro: If you could yolo far more better with those unit. practice more man, or watch more replays, u will learn fast.

pls explain what exactly you (again all and not only you) would have done different

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:23 am

i was kidding man, i just edited my post :)))

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Krumme » Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:09 am

Dude... 2 tots lvl 1 3 tots lvl 2 4 tots lvl 3 - holds 3 4 and if you drop another tot for 5 you hold 5 but since you have tribes you can definetely mix
I would even argue that with 1 upped tot and tribesmen/alpha males you can hold key lvls such as 5 - clear 7 and hold 8

Now I know you new rookies with lack of skill want to go 2/0 lvl 1 at all cost but I can tell you ITS NOT WORTH IT
You ruin an entirely perfect strat by doing that
When it comes to HARD yolo it's not worth it if the other team goes full retard too - if you go 4/1 at 5 and clear 5 with send (2 guys do this and 1 guy holds with sends) and you can either push HARD for 7 or push once or twice and do the same trick for same
While they leak 60-100 to king on 7 you leak half of that and have lost not much income (you do loose some but that's how it is) and while you have the value to hold 8 they wont and prolly leak 50-80 on 8 aswell while your team doesn't
While they struggle recovering on 9 and very low chance of holding 10 you can either build for 8/9/10 if team needs it or go more income

This was what I would have done and I can tell you for sure I would have been 80 income 7/4 lvl 10 and 90% sure held lvl 10 (possible more income depending if feed lvl 1-2-3) and possible leaking some lvl 10 if really hard send but highly unlikely if they all yolo

Holding lvl 1-5 is HIGHLY underrated and I hope you expand your view

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Qvist » Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:42 am

I totally agree krumme, pushing income has gone out of hand. elektro- is 1 of them, I don't know if wolke is one of them also.

Some players just prefer income over value, I didn't play last season in LIHL but i remember that the goal of this game was to hold middle lane!

In this season ive seen maybe 1 or 2 times a player hold 14-15-17 in 4v4. People just overincome and send HUGE ofc, but it's everytime a race and then immo/stomp decide which team wins.

I have been playing pub alot and i personally think that the gameplay is not that far from LIHL (thinking about sends/levels) so it's not possible to win everygame like it was on ENT18. (My point with this is) In 80 % of the games ive stayed 7-4 7-5 sometimes even 7-3 so i could hold middle on whatever level they send on and geuss what I win..

Maybe people should consider their pushingskills/pushingcap. Actually what some players just are doing is push push push, SEND HUGE and leak on whatever level they gets sends on.

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Wolke » Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:06 am

Good Morning. The problem is i rr tot lvl 1 @ krumme so adding raider was my only option. I think if i get a banned for this, EVERYBODY who play normal scientist yolo should get a ban aswell, because they play nearly the same. Push much as you can until 4 and hold with less value then possibel. Don´t build for 5. Try to hold 6 which in my case was more difficult since scientist far better 5. Then Depending on how fast the game is and what units you have to recover you push like 7/5 or 7/6 and focus on getting strong for 17 or any other important lvl after 10. I did the excact same thing just i had really no good unit to recover or any strong unit at all. This Clog is not specific enough and in this and some other cases just uses to punish player to play legion in a different way then some other player want legion to be played. This is unfair.

On my opionion we had the clog rule to stop cases like: Let´s just build for example sprite for lvl 17 since we know we leak more then and leak slower to king. Hard Yolo until is no clog. If this didn´t chance we should forbid scientist yolo,meatwagon yolo,sprite yolo, etc.......
There are just unit which are not good to yolo hold and recover at all. Our only chance to avoid clog was !ff lvl 1. And no i don´t overbuild with scientist, raider etc for 5 or would you try to hold wave 5 with scientist ????

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby tastay » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:09 am

The only thing that is happening currently is that certain members of this league are changing the rules until they are happy with the games

You guys can go and remove my posts all you want but the truth doesn't change

If you don't like how 4s should be played then go and play 2/3s but don't go out of your way to block parts of the game until you are satisfied

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby tastay » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:17 am

Also why wasn't fanatismo banned for that game?

He was the main problem in that game even thou he was complaining so much

He pushed hard on level 2 and leaked level 3 and 4 which caused the send to be so hard on 5 for the other team

He even writes

(06:30 / Allied) Fanatismo: i leak 4
(06:32 / Allied) Fanatismo: for sure

So he pushed income on purpose and leaked so they had extra time to get more wood to send harder on level 5?

But why wasn't he banned just like in so many other cases? Because he is certain players friend..

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Wolke » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:19 am

i totally agree with tastay. You don´t like s4, well don´t play it. But don´t change the gamestyle and rules until you think it´s perfect. There always has been suicide yolo, if you ban this you can basicly can some units.

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby HealByColor » Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:22 pm

I agree with tastay. What is goose is good for the gander

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:42 pm

i also agree, and i think these rules´s only purpose is to unballance the play. they think its normal that when u have good units, u have to win, and if u have bad units, u.re supposed to lose, and when this not happen, they invented a rule, to stop being outplayed with bad units.

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:44 pm

i can understand this invented rule, knowing they try to get all players at same play lvl, although we know some people are more skilled and some arent.
what i can.t understand is why are u confusing normal yolo with good units for yolo ( no suicide, since we all could recover easy) with that rule of yours?

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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby Diablo_ » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:34 pm

Your first roll was perfectly fine, yet you risked to rr either wanting a sick roll or otherwise just doing the suicide yolo you most often do, so the logic of your whole reasoning kinda stops here already. Other than that, an important point is that your whole team's strategy relied on clogging. The game simply was won by abusing the limits of the map by clogging, if we don't ban for this game then the no clog rule is obsolete and can never be applied.
With your towers you still could have done a more or less fine "normal yolo", even more if your strategy wasn't to kill them on level 10 by abusing clogging but instead sending on level 5,7,8 w/e to get income, hurt them and get king gold.
Obviously clogging is often the "easier/better" way to win, otherwise we wouldn't have to ban this glitch abuse as it wouldn't matter.

@elektro it's funny how you think staying with 400-500 value and leaking 80% of every wave would require any skill. Exactly this way to play will "get all players to the same play lvl" as every half brained monkey can do that.
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Re: Unfair Ban ?

Postby elektro » Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:38 pm

if every monkey can do that why none of my "clogged" team hadnt 180 income for lvl 10 ? which is the point of a holder if i cant push as much as i can to get fast income, why u try limmiting my yolo ? if i would have suicided i would understand but i didnt. so why dont u let me yolo as good as i can?? should i understand that when i have yolo unit i should try hold or what is your point ?

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