clog ?

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clog ?

Postby elektro » Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:02 pm
Fanatismo clog. he leaked huge lvl 4, huge lvl 5, medium leak lvl 7, huge lvl 8, huge lvl 9.
By comparision LVL 3 blue leaked 0, green leaked 1. Lvl 4 blue leaked 0, green leaked 11. Lvl 5 we cant compare cause blue got huge send, and green no send, still they leaked almost same number of leaks. Lvl 6 blue leaked 11, green leaked 10 creeps. lvl 7 blue and green leaked almost same number of creeps, still, blue got huge send, and green no sends. Lvl 8 blue leaked 23, and green 26. Lvl 9 blue leaked 27, and green 25 creeps.
Blue got banned for clog, why green didnt got banned for clog ?

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Re: clog ?

Postby Wolke » Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:45 pm

Well First question is what is clog. We got banned for Clog, so clog in our case was leaking much with bad unit´s but don´t die. the result to this long game was we could send hard10. So since this is the same game i would judge like this. Fanatismo got send 2 and some small feed at midd. It this poin it was 99% clear we don´t send until 5, which means he hold´s with standart scientist build until 6 (except 5). He leaked 1 unit wave 3 and said: (06:30 / Allied) Fanatismo: i leak 4 (06:32 / Allied) Fanatismo: for sur . So if i say Yolo HARD and we 2 king 10 from means clog i wanted to clog from the beginning on, this is nearly the same. Also he pushed 6/2 which mean even with good focus from scientist he will leak. So without huge leaking yet and more then enough gold to build for 4, so he holds with normal focus, he decide to push so they gain more time to send rly hard 5. Result is quite the same like our leak, harder send but in this case since they send 5 and and not 10 they couldn´t kill us. So on my opionion if we get banned for not trying to hold and just push instead, this is the same. At wave 6 he leaked same amount of units like we so it´s the same again. Fanatismo leaked 125 Units over all rounds, which is more then Elektro- also he leaked 2 more lvl then me and electro. Compared to us he clogged the game aswell. So he played basicly like us, if we compare player by player. His team benefit HUGE from his early leaks and overpush at the start and suffered from this and our bigger leaks at the end. If you say that´s no clog compared to us because we leaked huge 9. I asked myself where is the difference, because they don´t die 3 and 4 and we didn´t die 9, also we both had holder. Both teams just got more time to send harder. you might say yes, but we leaked so much lvl 9 that creeps got stucked. Well if you under preasure whole game because of their send 2 5 7 you just have no chance to recover until 9.

So all in all i don´t want him to get banned. this case just shows, that our ban is on my opinion wrong because we have no clear rule and definition WHAT IS CLOG ???? Is Clog if unit´s stuck in midd and you just die later because demons arriving late (for example 17). Is Clog leaking on purpose to get more time which we, he and my other players did and do. (leak 16 pls, many cases after 20 where 1 team focus on 31 and the others started leaking to send hard 27,28 29.

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Re: clog ?

Postby elektro » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:59 pm

well i want him to be banned since he was so shameless to post us for clog, and he leaked even more, and pushed even more than i did.

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Re: clog ?

Postby elektro » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:05 pm

Can some mod answer to my post same as Fanatismo got answered to his post ? Since it wont matter what u decide, because this game happened before u get to some unanimous decision about the clog rule, and besides, 3 players got already banned for this game.

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Re: clog ?

Postby Diablo_ » Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:41 pm

Team east didn't clog. 38 leaks lvl 5, 10 leaks lvl 6, 34 leaks lvl 7 etc.
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